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Rebecca watched the skittish boy flit past her and into the hall before turning back towards her target of the day. She could have cut the tension with a knife. She was almost scared to close the door and be alone with the man in a room full of guns. Rebecca did, however. What she was going to say needed to be said, no matter what, and she was sure it would make things worse if she made his life public.

Jacob didn't turn his head, even after the soft click from the door resounded through the small storeroom. Rebecca remained staring at his back, trying to piece a sentence together. She had thought of a long speech out in the hallway, but the moment she was in the room, it was like she forgot the English language. She had to say something, fast. But what? Luckily, Jacob spoke up before Beck had to embarrass herself.

"What do you want? Here to gloat?" He hissed, not bothering to hide the chill in his voice. Rebecca fumbled for words.

"No, I wouldn't, I'm just here to-,"

"To what?" Jacob interrupted with a snap. "To humiliate me? To break my other arm? While you're at it, why you give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it, alright? Gees..."

"Jacob, if you would just listen-,"

"Listen? I don't have to listen to you, you aren't my mother-."

"Jacob Weir, would you listen to me for one minute?" Rebecca suddenly snapped, unable to keep from raising her voice. It surprisingly had the desired effect on Jacob. He was boiling mad, but he was silent.

"I came here today," Rebecca said as she walked towards the agent who had busied his fingers with spinning the revolving barrel of a thankfully empty gun, "To give you this."

With careful hands, she took one of his wrists. She gently pressed the soft wad of paper into his hands and curled his fingers around it. When she let go of his hand, Jacob's eyes finally darted away from the gun to his fist. He gave Beck a suspicious look before peering at the contents. His mouth nearly fell open in shock.

"No. Nope, no. Not going to happen. Rebecca, I can't take this," Jacob protested, shoving the crisp, green bills back into her hand.

"I'm giving them to you," Rebecca urged, pushing his fistful of money back towards Jacob.

"Really, I can't, I can't just take other people's money, Beck!"

"Jacob." She said, using the sharpness in her voice that she found captured his attention. She placed the money firmly back in Jacob's hands. She met his eyes and couldn't help but sigh. He wasn't glaring anymore. He was stunned.

"..... Why?" Jacob eventually asked, letting his fingers curl around the money. "If Barton set you up to this shi-,"

"He didn't, I promise," Rebecca replied. "He doesn't know."

"Then why would you, of all people, do this?"

She knew she had to handle this part delicately. How the heck do you do that? She wondered to herself. Take his hand? ....ew bad idea drop the hand. She let the agent's hand drop, knowing that Jacob was looking at her like she was crazy. Arm around the shoulder? No, no, no. Make it look like you're stretching, he'll never know.

Should I tell him I know about his parents?, she wondered to herself. Should I tell him that my parents were murdered, too? That I know what he went through? That I feel bad for him? No. He'd just put up his guard. This had to be subtle.

"I just...." Rebecca faltered. "...I decided I was wrong."

She looked over to meet his eyes. He stared blankly back at him. This wasn't getting through to him. She shouldn't talk about their parents. Not yet.

Why was this so hard? Discovering Jacob's debt wasn't hard. Getting the amount he owed wasn't difficult either. Why was telling him about it so much like playing Jenga? One wrong block gets pulled, and the whole tower falls down.

He is a boy after all, she decided. They don't take subtlety. She had to be direct if she wanted to tell him everything.

"I know SHIELD won't pay for all of the medical bills," Rebecca admitted, gaining an eyebrow raise from Jacob. "And since you haven't been at work for several months, there's no way you have enough money to pay them yourself. Please, let me help you."

Jacob didn't answer, affirming her research. He resigned with a soft sigh and unwound his fingers to examine the green paper in his hand.

"Rebecca, this is almost two thousand dollars." He didn't say it like he was stating a fact. He sounded like he was in awe that someone would do such a thing for him. Rebecca felt her heart cringe.

"I know. I want you to have it. Think of it as my apology for the arm..."

"..... Thank you, Rebecca," Jacob whispered, his fingers circling the money once more.

"Don't mention it," Rebecca said, giving him a faint smile.

"How bad was it anyways?" She asked, trying to switch topics away from the emotional crap she always hated.

Jacob responded with a short chuckle, taking the switch gratefully. "Right in half. Broke the skin. You held nothing back, did you?"

Rebecca felt warmed just by listening to his lilting laugh. "Well I had to prove myself, didn't I?" She teased gently.

"I bet I could take you if we had a rematch," Jake smirked. Beck could tell this time that he was kidding with her.

"Is that a challenge, kid?"

"You bet it is."

"Oh, it's on, Jakey-boy," Rebecca shoved him how most friends do.

Jacob suddenly froze up. Rebecca mentally punched herself. Was it something she said? Did? Was he a germ freak and didn't like contact? Something that she just did was wrong to him and she had no clue what. She felt awful for something she didn't even know. She opened her mouth to apologize, but Jacob broke into a smile. Whatever it was, he was letting it slide. Oh, Rebecca felt horrible.

"Bring it, Beck," he challenged with his own joking shove in her direction. Beck gave him a small grin.

"Come on," she began, switching subjects once more, "Why don't we get some lunch or something? I've got time before patrols."

"Sure," agreed Jacob with a grin as he stepped over to the door and swung it open. He held it open for her as she slipped into the hall.

Two bitter enemies entered the room, but two good friends were leaving it.

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