Chapter 2 Ariel's secret home & the story

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My past is filled with sadness and anger. My brother is older than me but he left after both of our parents got killed. I am so angry at him for leaving me all alone. He never contacted me again. I was wondering why he wasn't contacting me. I know that being a power ranger is a big job but he could have at least contacted me to make sure that I was okay. My home is in a cave with the rest of the pack. Mufasa is the alpha male of the pack. He's pretty cool. The wolves in the pack have taught me what I don't learn in school. I usually told them what I was learning so that they can come up with something to teach me but it has to be something that I am not learning while I'm in school. When they first took me in the very first thing they taught me was how to be too smart for strangers. Then they taught me how to hunt for food. John is a part of the pack. He just joined the pack a year ago. John and I went to the same school but we never really talked to each other. That was until one day when he came up to me during recess. We were both in first grade at the time. I was playing by myself when John came up to me. (Flashback: John came out to play with a few friends when he saw Ariel all by herself. He walked up to her.
Young John: Hey, I'm John. What's your name?
Young Ariel: I'm Ariel. It's nice to meet you.
Young John: It's nice to meet you too. Would you like to come play with me and some of my friends?
Young Ariel: Yeah, that would be great.
Young John: Okay, let's go.
They go play with John's friends. End of flashback)
We were in the same class too. The next day everyone was avoiding me, well everyone except John. We went to school and when I was headed to my locker I bumped into Virginia and her two minions, Joe and George. Virginia is like the biggest bully to me but she wasn't always like that. She was actually really nice, that was until something happened in fifth grade. (Flashback: Ariel is walking quickly down the hall to her next class when she bumped into Virginia.
Young Ariel: Oh man, I'm so going to be late!
Then she bumped into Virginia.
Young Ariel: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...
Virginia cuts her off.
Young Virginia: Watch where you're going! Who do you think you are? You almost stepped on my foot!
Young Ariel: Well, my notebook would be ruined if I fell. You spilled some of your drink on the floor and...
Virginia cut her off again.
Young Virginia: And that's all you really care about? Just get out of here nerd! You don't belong here!
Young Ariel: I'm sorry, it was just an accident.
Young Virginia: Go you bitch!
Ariel took off at a fast walk to her next class. End of flashback)
I really don't know what made her change that quick. Anyway, she just stood there. "Look who it is. The girl with no family." Virginia said. "I heard that her own brother left her after their parents died." George said. "Yeah, he probably didn't want her in his life anymore. I heard that she murdered them and now nobody trusts her because of it." Joe said. Then John came up to me. "Hey, leave my girlfriend alone! She did nothing to you." He said. "Shut up nerd, were we talking to you?" Virginia asked. "Just leave her alone!" John said. "And if we don't?" Joe said. "Then I'll tell the teacher, or maybe even the principal." John said. That basically shut them up. They walked away and I turned to face him. "Thanks for helping me stand up to them." I said. "No problem. Anything for my girlfriend." He said. "So, are we still going to hang out with each other after school today?" I asked. "Actually, I can't. I have something important to do." He said. "Okay." I said. It's nice that I don't have any classes with Virginia. We're in eighth grade now. Today is not a good day for me. It's been eight years since my brother left me alone. I haven't heard from him at all. He hasn't even wrote to me, and I mean like ever. Never, not one time. I'm still mad at him. Even to this day. If I ever see my brother again, I'm wondering if he'll recognize me or if I'll recognize him. It's been eight years but due to me living with the wolf pack I'll probably never see my brother again. The next morning I was sitting outside the den. It's John's turn to watch the pups while the rest of the pack is out. While the pups are taking their morning nap John came out to talk to me. "Hey." John said as he walked out. "Hey." I said. "Are you okay?" John asked. "Not really. I just miss my family." I said. "But you live with your family." John said. "You don't understand, this family I have now is not my real family. I had a family before this one." I said. "Seriously?" John asked. "Yeah." I said. That's when John noticed a picture beside me. "What's that?" He asked. I picked it up and looked at it. "It's a picture of my old family. The two grownups in that picture are my mom and dad, but they got killed by Mesagog. The other kid in the picture is my older brother but he left after both of our parents got killed. He moved to Summer Cove and never contacted me again." I said. "Okay, so how did you get into this pack?" John asked. "I went into the woods a few days after my brother left. I was walking around when I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw a mountain lion. I started to run away when I tripped on a root and fell onto the ground. My ankle twisted when I fell. Just as the mountain lion was about to leap towards me to finish me off Sarabi and the rest of the pack came to my rescue. They fought off the mountain lion and took me to their den. That's how I got into this pack." I said. "Wow, sounds like a hard knock life after your brother left." John said.

"It was exactly like a hard knock life. I just lived for a few days on the food I had in the house and when it ran out I moved to the woods. I've been living with this wolf pack since then." I said. "Wow, I didn't know that about you." John said. "I never told anyone this story, you're the first one I told this story to." I said. "Does anyone else know that story?" John asked. "Just Sarabi and Mufasa. I told them everything. I don't tell anyone else the story, mostly because I don't know who I can trust to not tell anyone else the story." I said. "It sounds like you have trust issues." John said. Then the pack came back with food.

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