My "the One"

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🎶2002- Anne Marie🎶
Something just like this-Chainsmokers🎵

You know that popular phrase that goes ‘when I met him, I immediately knew he was the one’? Well that wasn’t in my case at all.

In fact, it all started off the wrong foot. Hmmmm, now trying to recollect our first encounter, I can’t help but feel like a huge jerk.

It started with this brilliant and cocky girl[me], looking over at this new dude in class and mentally concluding he was a blockhead.

I remembered the condescending look I gave him when he had blurted out the wrong answer, proudly. I remembered how throughout the school year I had seen no reason to acknowledge him, even though he did try to speak to me a few times. I remembered the sarcastic and witty reply I would always give him anytime he asked me a question.

I remembered taking mental note to myself to avoid him and his group of dull friends who were always seated at the back of the class, making noises or stupid jokes during class.

I also recollect how I would furiously cover my book during exams, assuming he was trying to peek at my answers. 

But the day our relationship graduated from that of the cocky brainiac female student to the irresponsible and dim-witted new  male student, who could barely spell the word ‘admission’ without getting confused on which letter between d and s came in double, was the day I desperately needed to show off my brilliance and decided to tutor a random dull brain for the upcoming final exams and it happened to be him.

The groaning and the frustrated sighs I let out anytime he got yet another question wrong were something that till date made me chuckle when I thought back about it. His flirtatious comments, endless winks and breathtaking smiles only got me annoyed back then which made it impossible for me to imagine the fact that he could ever be my ‘the one’.

The scream of despair that came out my mouth when he confessed he barely wrote a thing down in the maths examination answer sheet or the fact that I had slapped him in the head when he tried to talk me into cheating for him during the exams, were other reasons I couldn’t ever consider him the one.

The fact he failed his final exams proved how different we were from each other. To me, it showed that I was a serious-minded girl who wanted to follow her dream of being a medical doctor in the future, while he was the guy who wanted to sit on the couch and lazy around for the rest of his life. I didn’t want to be around someone like him, I needed someone who could impact my life positively and encouraged me to focus on my goals. Clearly, he didn’t fit that role, so I cut him off.

It didn’t work. He found his way back…… a few years later……after I had earned my medical degree. He was my first patient in th high classed hospital I worked in and he happened to be one of their biggest sponsor. The look of shock my face held when I looked at his file with shaky hands, hoping he didn’t recognize me. Not because I was intimidated by his success but the way I had cut him off kept flashing back in my head. It was over a text, calling him a useless dim-wit.

His look when I walked in and announced myself as his doctor was another thing I would never forget. His face held amusement and that expression that says ‘ntoor’. The fact that I had braced myself up and put on the expression of a busy person as he tried making jokes with me and bringing up ‘fun times’.

After successfully surviving his check up and going home to have a wonderful night with my bed and my ‘youtube bundle’, the weird call that popped up insisting we caught up on old times, made my day a complete package of frustration.

A day of full-packaged annoyance, clearly wasn’t enough for him, so he decided to make it a week. A full week of unnecessary checkups or impromptu meetings with a patient in need of medical advise, was the perfect description of things that would move me to think of committing murder. I found it irritating but held myself back from complaining because he was the hospital’s biggest sponsor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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