Bookworm and Goth

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(2 months later)
Cheerleader. So you guys want to go shopping later
Goth. I don't go shopping with or without anyone
Bookworm. I need to study so I can't sorry Cheerleader
Cheerleader. Oh well I guess I'll just go without you guys
Bookworm. Okay see you tomorrow then
Goth. Okay
( In the library)
Bookworm. Okay so I'm looking for social studies books
Goth. Okay so I'm looking for social studies
Bookworm. Nope
Goth. Not what I'm looking for
Bookworm. Ahhhhhhh
Goth. Oomph
Bookworm. Oh it's just you
Goth. Oh hey, oh here's my book
Bookworm. Perfect here's my book
(The next day)
Cheerleader. Hey goth where's Bookworm?
Goth. I don't know, I'll check on her
(At Bookworms dorm)
Goth. Ar- (Bookworm kisses Goth)
Bookworm. I'm sick and I don't know if I'll survive so I wanted to tell you that I've had a crush on you for years
Goth. Well I always have thought you were pretty cute
Bookworm. Okay so maybe we should go out for a while and see if we can date
Goth. Sure
Bookworm. Oh I feel better now I'll take a test and see if I'm still sick
(The test comes back negative)
Bookworm. Yay, oh I should go tell Cheerleader that Goth and I are together
(She tells Cheerleader)
Cheerleader. Yay mah ship has sailed

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