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I picked up some ramen and held it near his mouth "Say Ahhh~"

 I said in a cheerful tone, he looked at me bewildered for a second before opening his mouth, I fed him the ramen and watched him eat it "Well?" I asked him "It's good" He grumbled, averting his gaze from me "By the way," I start, not looking at him

 "I understand that you don't trust me. I know what it's like to be betrayed by the people closest to you, I'll wait for you to trust me. I don't mind, as long as you know I trust you" I told him, when I looked back at him, he was watching me before turning back to his sushi

 "I don't tolerate you. Never have" To anyone else, this would of been an insult but the way that he had said it, so... Vulnerably, it was a compliment, an admission.

It had been a month since that night on the roof with Shigaraki, and things had changed. It wasn't too noticeable at first but then it was just odd, 

he was planning something and he didn't want to tell any of us what was going on.

It started with the missions, he went on more of them then before, we thought it was because he wanted to make sure that everything was going well, 

and then he would keep me behind on missions he wasn't on, insisting that I should save my strength for more important missions. It made sense to me so I didn't question it too much.

Then it was him requiring my expertise over simple things we all knew he could do, there were sometimes where he actually needed my expertise, every other time was things he already knew because I've seen him do it or I taught it to him.

I never knew why but I guess I should have listened to Dabi when he said Shigaraki had plans for me and that I should watch my back.

 Thinking back now, even if I had heeded his advice, I doubt it would of turned out any different. 

He told me he wanted to see me in the Doctor's Laboratory, I didn't think anything of it until I arrived. 

The red flag was the absence of the doctor who was always in the laboratory, at least from my immediate sight.

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