Ferris Wheel (gentlecheese)

70 4 5

Genre: Fluff

Word count: 703

The Gentleman held Mr. Cheeses hand firmly as they walked towards there last ride of the night. The Ferris wheel had always been something Mr. Cheese favorited, and he bounced up and down softly. The Gentleman smiled softly at the adorable sight.

As they walked, The Gentleman spaced out, adoring the smaller male walking next to him. He felt the warmth of Mr. Cheeses hand radiate to his heart, giving him a warm and fuzzy feeling he only felt around his boyfriend.

He never was used to love, and was prepared to be neglected and ignored, but Mr. Cheese changed his point of view. His cold and depressing outlook on life was immediately washed away by the happiness Mr. Cheese offered him.

Everything about that man was so special. His baby blue eyes that made the whole world brighter, his adorable button nose decorated with a constellation of freckles, and his soft lips always coated with strawberry gloss. He admired the way his eyes fluttered when he slept, and the cheerful bounce he had when he walked. Mr. Cheeses voice was music to his ears and his laugh was his favorite sound.


Hie thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Cheese, who waved his hand in front of him.

"Ah- yes, Mr. Cheese?" He asked, coming back to reality.

"Spaced out there, huh? You're all red!" He teased, gripping The Gentleman's hand tight. "You good babe?"

The Gentleman rubbed the back of his neck, hiding his face.

"I'm fine, honey. Just thinking." He chuckled, looking down at the shorter man, who raised an eyebrow.

"Thinking bout' what?" Mr. Cheese smiled, radiating a familiar warmth.

The Gentleman just chuckled slightly, covering his face. They continued walking.

"Were here! Looks like the line is empty! Let's go!" Mr. Cheese exclaimed excitedly, practically dragging The Gentleman over to the empty line.

They paid their tickets and stepped into the car. A few more people piled in, and soon the ride was ready to start.

Mr. Cheese rested his head on The Gentleman's shoulder, looking at the taller man's face. The Gentleman smiled, resting an arm around him. The ride started as Mr. Cheese looked at the fair. It had become dark, and all the lights were shining, making the view extremely beautiful.

The Gentleman looked briefly, but his eyes went back to Mr. Cheese. Even out of all the beautiful sights, The Gentleman knew he would never find anyone or anything more beautiful then his boyfriend. He sighed softly, a pink hue of blush covering his face. Mr. Cheese noticed his staring, smiling at him and pulling him close.

The Gentleman lifted Mr. Cheeses chin before leaning in. He kissed Mr. Cheese so softly and kind, in a way that conveyed love in a way words couldn't. Neither of them wanted to ever pull apart. Their lips unlocked slowly, savoring the kiss for one last moment. The Gentleman blushed a bright red, looking away. Mr. Cheese cuddled closer, closing his eyes.

The ride soon ended, and they got off. Mr. Cheese held The Gentleman's hand securely as they walked towards their car.

The Gentleman got in the driver seat and started the car. Mr. Cheese sat down and closed his eyes, as he was tired after a long night at the fair. The Gentleman drove quietly, occasionally admiring the sleeping beauty in his passenger seat. He pulled up to their shared home and picked up Mr. Cheese carrying him into the house. He sat down on the couch and laid Mr. Cheese on his lap. He pulled the blanket over them, smiling when he heard the sleepy mumbles of the smaller man.

"I love you." The Gentleman said, smiling softly. It was a phrase he rarely said, but it felt so natural in that moment. Mr. Cheese was the love of his life, and he hoped that he'd get better at expressing that as time went on.

But he loves Mr. Cheese, and he knew Mr. Cheese loved him too.

He hoped that they would last forever, he was confident that they would.

The Gentleman closed his eyes and let sleep take over him. Falling asleep with Mr. Cheese felt special tonight.

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