The Library Car

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Orion and Flux entered the new car. They stopped at the entrance and checked the inside. Ever since the nightmare car a few cars back, they made sure to check the inside of each car before entering to make sure that it wasn't a horrifying trap. Luckily, they managed to avoid any dangerous cars so far, but they weren't willing to lower their guard just yet. This car seemed to be a library. Orion gasped and ran into the car. Flux joined him inside once he confirmed that there wasn't any immediate danger. Orion was running around, looking at all the books that were lined up in the shelves. He took one that was titled, Pete the Cat. Once the book was opened, the cat from the cover popped from the book and started walking around. Orion chuckled in excitement. Flux said, "Well, that's not normal." Orion said, "Who cares? The books bring the characters to life. Who knows what this can mean?" He rushed to the history section and took out some of the books. Once he had carried as many books as he could, he ran back to the front. Flux was waiting for him. The fox was confused as to what the boy was up to. Orion took a book about Abraham Lincoln and opened it. Once he did, the dead president appeared and began conducting a speech. Orion slightly chuckled and listened intently. Flux shrugged and sat down next to him to listen to Lincoln give a speech as he had in life.

Orion watched as George Washington fighting off his enemies while Benjamin Franklin was flying a kite to use as a conductor for lightning. Meanwhile, several other historical figures were conducting their business with their books open. Flux was also opening books of food, using the chance to gorge himself on delicious foods that he normally would never have. The fox let out a satisfied burp, "Man, this cart is great. Though, I wonder what it's for." Orion hummed for a minute, "I guess for the appreciation of imagination and history. Though, I did see some horror books. I'm not going near those, especially after what happened in the nightmare car." The two continued to enjoy their time in the library. They were unaware of the black shadow that entered the crack of the door. The shadow stopped to watch the two of them enjoying themselves and chuckled to itself. It went to the horror section and dropped one of the book before it left the same way it came. As the book opened, a hand came out and as it was heading to the floor, the hand stopped it and the rest of the body came out. The creature snarled as it smelled the two people in the library. 

Orion was smiling. It had been a long time since he had this much fun. He had come on board the train almost three months ago. He looked down at the glowing 12 on his hand. Once it dropped to zero, he would go home. Orion smiled, "Then I better make sure I have fun until that time comes." Just as he said that, a strange growl came from behind him. He turned and yelled when he saw that it was a zombie. And not just one. It seemed like there was an entire horde of zombies. Orion called out, "Flux, there's zombies." The fox straightened up when he heard this and screamed when he saw the undead monsters. The two of them started running, but the zombies seemed to be coming from everywhere. They decided to head to the front desk and jump to the second floor from there. Orion got on the desk and jumped onto the railing. Flux jumped on top of the boy and onto the second floor. He held out a paw to pull Orion up. he grabbed onto the railing and climbed above it to get onto the second floor. It seemed that the zombies were only on the first floor. Flux looked around and saw that they were close to the stairs, but were not climbing them. He let out a sigh, "Phew, looks like they're the dumb kind. They're not even climbing the stairs to get to us." Orion said, "Yeah, but now we're stuck up here. And who knows when they'll decide to climb the stairs. We need to get to the door." Flux asked, "But how? The door's over there. We'll never get to it." Orion looked around. That's when he realized what to do, "If we can close the book that they're coming from, they'll all disappear. That's what happened to the others." Flux raised an eyebrow, "And how are we going to do that? We don't even know where the book is." Orion said, "It's probably in the horror section. I think I can guess where it is from the way the zombies are coming from." Flux was shocked, "Wait, you mean that you're going down there? You'll get eaten alive." Orion said, "Maybe. But I think I can avoid them by climbing on the shelves." Flux said, "You don't need to do this. We'll find something else." Orion's stare hardened, "Yeah. But who knows if we can think of something before they come up here. No, I need to do this." Before Flux could argue, Orion jumped and fell onto a shelf. He continued to crawl on the shelf and looked at the zombies. They seemed to be coming from the same place. He followed them back and soon saw the book on the floor. Once he was over it, he jumped onto the floor and grabbed the book. However, a zombie hand was reaching out grabbed him. The other zombies seemed to notice him and also aimed to grab him. The hand that was coming out made it difficult to close the book, but as they were just inches from him, he managed to close the book. With that, the zombies all disappeared. 

Flux ran down the stairs to the horror section and found Orion catching his breathe with the closed book in hand. Flux smiled, "You did it. You saved us!" Orion chuckled slightly, "Guess so." Just then, his hand began to glow. They looked at it and saw that the number changed from 12 to 3. Flux said, "Looks like we're almost done here." Orion nodded and the two of them went to the door and opened it.

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