The Empty Car

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It was empty. The entire car was empty. Orion and Flux stood there and peered into the empty car. No apparent oddities. No noticeable features. No denizens. Not even a door. It was just emptiness. Orion started walking with Flux slowly following after him. They continued to walk forward. Even though they were walking, the scenery did not seem to change. It remained a bunch of blank walls. There were no changes, no creatures jumping out at them. No form of trials that were made to prevent them from leaving. Orion looked back and saw that the door they came through was still there, though it was much further than before. That proved that they had been moving forward, but there was no changes. The entire car was empty.

After a few minutes of walking, the two of them decided to sit down and rest before they continued. Flux let out a sigh, "Why is this car so empty? What's even the point of this? I've never seen something so weird and useless." Orion said, "I guess it might be a malfunction. Or maybe this car was made by mistake? Whatever the case maybe, we need to get out. The only way out that I can see is the door we came from. There's no door in the way we're going. Uhh, if we need to, we may need to go back and climb over the cart in order to get to the next one." Flux groaned, "That sounds like even more of a pain than just walking through this place." Orion nodded, "Yeah. There's the chance that we might fall off the train if we try to climb." Flux said, "And then there's the Ghoms." Orion raised an eyebrow, "The what?" Flux said, "The Ghoms. A bunch of weird, disgusting creatures that live in the wastelands. They attack people that they find out there. That's why it's safer to be in the train cars. No one ever survives being out there with them. They drain the life force from the passengers until they die." Orion jumped back in surprise, "Whoa, what?! You never mentioned that!" Flux responded, "Never needed to. They don't usually approach the train. The only time they ever come in is when someone walks in the wastelands and brings them here or when someone has a high enough number to attract them." Orion raised a brow, "Wait, they're attracted to the numbers?" The fox shrugged, "I guess? It's just something that I heard a while back. Could just be a rumor. Apparently, one passenger almost killed their friend after she saved his life and his number went all the way up to his face. That's when the Ghom came and sucked the life out of him. Left nothing behind before exploding." Orion whistled, "Sounds like the jerk kind of deserved it. I mean, he tried to kill his friend." Flux nodded in agreement. The two of them continued to walk. It was then that they heard a strange chirping like sound. They turned and saw a black creature behind them.

Flux gasped in surprise, "A Ghom! But why is it here?" Orion yelled, "Who cares, just run

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Flux gasped in surprise, "A Ghom! But why is it here?" Orion yelled, "Who cares, just run." Flux followed after him. They only looked back quickly to see the Ghom chasing after them. When they turned back to face forward, they were met with more Ghoms flying towards them. They quickly turned to the side in order to avoid the monsters. They collided with one another. Orion and Flux took this chance to continue running forward in search of a door. However, the moment that they did, more Ghoms appeared in order to chase them. The two continued to run but eventually ran into a wall. The Ghoms were closing in. Flux cried out, "I don't understand. They've never tried to enter the train on their own and they've certainly never come on in packs. Why is this happening? This can't be real." Orion gasped when he heard that, "That's it! There's no way this can be real. It's way to scary. It's like a ...nightmare." Orion looked at the monsters that flew towards them and placed a hand forward, "Stop this now. We're not afraid of you anymore." Just as the Ghoms were about to descend upon them, they stopped. Instantly, the monsters merged into one large dark shadow with a faint outline of a face. The face seemed to be smiling mischievously at the boy. Orion swallowed some of his saliva before talking to it, "You're the monster from the Nightmare car, right? Go back there. I'm sure that they're some other passengers waiting for you there." The shadow's smile widened before it disappeared. In it's place was the exit door. Orion let out a sigh before collapsing and curling up in a ball. Flux placed a paw on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" Orion replied softly, "Yeah, just, need a minute."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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