More cheeseburgers

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Daniel brought back burgers 7 and 8 and laid them in front of me on the table. He was wide eyed, but I couldn't tell if it was wonder or terror. I could hear the teenagers snickering their own shock as I diligently worked my way through the sixth burger. Bite. Chew. Swallow. Bite. Chew. Swallow. I had to keep the rhythm or I might not get it down. I could feel my mind going hazy and my belly was starting to ache. Bite. Chew. Swallow. Again. "What am I doing?" I thought, panic striking through me. "I should stop before I explode." Bite. Chew. Swallow. Six was down. I leaned back in the booth, trying to let everything settle. I closed my eyes and rubbed my bulging middle, taking shallow breaths through my mouth. After a moment, I opened my eyes to look a Daniel, staring straight at my taught belly, eyes wide as saucers. He didn't say anything. He didn't move. He just stared.

"Too much?" I asked, a little embarrassed. Yes, I had intended to eat myself silly, but I should have broken Daniel in a bit easier. Maybe resisted the temptation to rage eat when the teenagers started pointing and laughing. Maybe not totally given in to the humiliation. I looked down at my belly, swelling into my lap. As much as I felt a little silly and a little guilty for Daniel's trial by fire, I felt incredibly sexy. I was so full and round, comically round, my belly hanging out of my pants and shirt. I moved my legs open to let it fall between them, letting it's heaviness stretch it downward. I felt a surge of glee when I felt it touch the seat beneath me.

"Yeah," Daniel said cautiously. "It was a lot."

"Like a lot a lot, or like a lot of burgers a lot?"


"Yeah. It was. I don't have to eat those two if you'd rather just go."

"You think you COULD eat these two??" He was incredulous. He grabbed the two remaining burgers and held them up as if the demonstrate the ridiculousness of the idea that I, his obviously unhinged, fat, and extremely stuffed girlfriend, would consider, let alone accomplish, the consumption of two more McDoubles.

"Yeah, I mean, maybe I could."

"You could maybe cram two more cheeseburgers into your swollen gut? This might be getting out of hand...can you see how...round you are? That belly is...round."

"Well I told you I'd gotten a little pudgy."

"This is more than a little pudgy...this is..."

Before he could finish, I snatched a burger out of his hand and started munching it. I thought the teenagers would die laughing.

To my relief, Daniel laughed, too, shaking his head and saying "you are really an unbelievable pig."

"You love it." I said. "Don't distract me while I'm eating. It takes focus to feed myself this full."

He laughed again and continued watching as I slowly, but determinedly put away the 7th cheeseburger. "Ok," I said. "I quit. That's all I can eat."

"Gonna leave one in the table, huh, pudge?"

"Don't make jokes, Daniel. I'm in too much pain for jokes."

"Fine. Shall I roll you to the car?"

"You may have to." I was truly not looking forward to the prospect of walking to the car. My belly was hurting already, but I knew that once it was hanging fully, so longer supported by my lap, the real pain would come. I probably should have kept my waistband pulled up for support, but there would be no pulling it back up now. I scooted myself to the end of the booth and heaved myself up. The tugging of my bloated sagging belly added to my discomfort and I winced.

"Wow," Daniel said in genuine awe. "I wish you could see yourself."

"Does it look like I'm sticking my gut out?"

"No because no human can stick their gut out this far. You look like you swallowed a beach ball. A very large one. And your spare tire is hanging out of your shirt again."

I chastely tugged the shirt back down, though I wasn't sure how much of my modesty was protected, and began shuffling to the car. I walked carefully as my belly protruded so far ahead of me I felt off balance, and I felt a little woozy from all the salt and grease. Though the teenagers had moved on, the staff, who had been trading updates on my progress, stopped to watch me lumber out the door. As we were walking out the door, the manager said, loudly enough for anyone in the county to hear "oh her? That's McFatty. She comes in to do that every couple of weeks."

Daniel looked shocked. "You regularly sit here and eat until you're about to explode??"

"Well, not regularly."

"Not regularly, but often enough that they have a nickname for you, McFatty?"

"It would seem so."

"You're unbelievable," he laughed.

"I really am."

I climbed into the passenger seat and reclined it to give myself a bit of relief. "Take me home and rub my belly and have fat sex with me," I whined.

"Would you look at that belly?" Daniel said, settling into the car. "Can I touch you, McFatty?"

"Gently," I instructed. Daniel put out a cautious hand and patted me gently on the belly. He rubbed a little circle there, then reached from one side to the other, feeling the circumference.

"Man you feel absolutely stuffed."

"That's because I am."

"Your belly is so tight and hard. I've never felt anything like this before. Wow. You really ate a lot in there. It's no wonder you've gotten so fat, if this is how you've been eating lately. You'll blow up like a blimp if you keep eating this way. This is truly truly wild." He patted my belly and laughed, "wow you are such a fatty and I had no idea."

"Yes, yes, very fat. And now I want to go home and get belly rubs and fat sex."

"Not just yet, Porky. We need to make one more stop."

"But it's my birthday."

"I know. That's why we're getting you a birthday cake."

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