The next birthday

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"Rise and shine," Daniel sang, kissing my cheek and patting my belly. "It's your birthdayyyyy. And I have big plans for you today."

I yawned and stretched. "Oh? Big plans?"

"Yes," he said, kissing my belly. "Very big plans."

Since my last birthday, we'd had a bit of fat fun. Though we didn't often go so far as we had that first time, Daniel had often given in to his now apparent inner feeder and I had let myself go a bit. Now that my dirty secret was out in the open, I didn't try to hide my plumper form, and Daniel enjoyed waffling between a sweet and considerate partner, offering extra servings or desserts or bringing home extra sweets, and a teasing, belly poking mischief maker. Our sex life magically reawakened, even when I didn't stuff myself silly and Daniel didn't jiggly my belly. We'd come into a new phase of our relationship, freed from some of our previous restraint.

I never had a goal weight in mind and I still wasn't really trying to gain at all, but I enjoyed being pampered and teased and full full full, and I knew the weight was inevitable. I just hoped to keep the gain manageable. Still, a week after my birthday stuffing, Daniel took me out to buy new clothes with a more forgiving waistline. "I don't care if you don't gain anymore," Daniel said "and I don't care if you lose any, but you can't keep stuffing your gut into these clothes." He was right. Nothing I owned fit me before I confessed my big fat secret, and it was silly to think I wouldn't grow a bit since we'd both enjoyed the birthday party so much. I put the clothes away though, still a bit insecure and afraid that some day Daniel would change his mind. We bought new clothes in sizes 22, 24, and 26, just to keep a variety.

A couple of months after my birthday feast, I stepped on the bathroom scale, and was a bit distressed to see it report 262 lbs. I'd gained 12 pounds since we began our venture. I knew I was getting bigger, of course. My face was rounder and my double chin was much more prominent. My hips were wider and my thighs softer. But seeing it all there in numbers was a bit disorienting. That night, laying next to Daniel after a visit to the all you can eat Brazilian steakhouse, where I ate so much Daniel had to help me into and out of the car, then he made slow love to me as I groaned from too much food and sex, I scrounged up the courage to say "Daniel, I'm getting really fat."

His hand rested on my stuffed belly and he gave me a little pat "yes, yes you are."

"Do you think I should...stop?"

"Stop what? Getting fat?"

"Yeah. I weighed myself today and I've gained even more weight. I can see it on me, too. And some of the clothes we bought aren't quite so roomy anymore. I'm just thinking... I've gotten really fat, is all."

"Well, you're still really active and you seem happy. Do you want to lose weight?"

"Maybe. Some things are easier when you're thinner, like sitting comfortably in an airplane or walking on the beach or things like that. And people can be so judgmental about being fat."

"But what do you want?"

"I'm having fun and I feel great."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just want to make sure it's ok...that everything is ok."

"If this is what makes you feel good, then it's ok. I love watching you chow down and I love teasing you for getting so big, but I love it because you love it. If you want to stop, I want to stop. It's up to you entirely. Just say broccoli and it's done." He said, smiling and making me laugh.

"I'm not ready to say broccoli yet," I smiled. "But I'll keep you posted."

"So how did it make you feel? When you weighed yourself?"

"Honestly, shocked. Sexy. Very fat."

"What do you weigh?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to but, you should know, I can see, and feel, that gig are really fat."

I laughed again and told him.

"Wow," he said, seeming actually surprised. "You weigh quite a bit more than 40lbs more. And I admit, that is more than I might have thought."

"I told you. Very fat. I am very fat."

"Maybe," he said, "but not TOO fat." And we made love again.

I put the scale in the linen closet after that and decided not to think of it again.

"So tell me about your big plans."

"Well," he said, deliberately. "First, I have an outfit I'd like you to try on." He jumped out of bed and dug through the closet, tossing to me the shorts and tank I wore to McDonald's last year. I laughed.

"There's no way! And I am not wearing this in public!" I had worn too small clothes for our kinky benefit on a few occasions, but this would be laughable.

"I know. Just try. Please? I want to see if you've really changed that much."

I sighed and squirmed into the shorts. I managed to yank them past my thighs but there was no buttoning them, not even under my growing gut. I pulled on the tank, managing to stretch it past my belly button, but leaving a good 5 inches of belly exposed.

"Wow," Daniel said, shifting to manage his arousal. "A lot can change in a year."

"Wow, if I was really fat before I must be really very fat now," I said, examining myself in the mirror. "What's next in your birthday if horrors?"

"Well," he said slowly, "would you let me weigh you?"

"Boy, you sure know how to make a girl feel special."

"You don't have to. I just thought you might enjoy seeing how far your confession has taken you."

"You'll have to get it out of the closet," I said. "It's too hard for me to get back there."

"That's a heavy metaphor."

"Every thing about me is heavy."

I followed Daniel to the bathroom and waited for gun to retrieve the scale. I tapped my toe on it to make sure it worked and stepped on. "Well?" Daniel asked.

"Well..." I replied "I can't...actually see the numbers over my gut."

"Oh." Daniel responded, turning a bit red in the face. "Let me see then...are you ready?" I grimaced and he read the screen "286."

"That can't be right!"

"Well, it could be wrong but... also you're too fat to see, so..."

"Is that really what it says??"

"It is," he said coming behind me and putting his arms around my middle, his fingers barely meeting "you weigh 286 lbs. is that 36lbs more than last year? You are turning into quite the butterball. Look how big your belly is. I can barely reach around you. You've really let yourself go..."

"I'm so fat, Daniel."

"You truly truly are."

"So what's next in your big plans?"

"I want to see if you can eat 10 McDoubles, McFatty. Let's start there and see what else we might stuff into you."

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