The three girls birthday on 20/2/15

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Hi I'm to busy to write but I will update some Things on me its my
Birthday today I'm turning 15 years old I'm going out with. My friends
Today we are going to have some fun at the Marion shopping centre
go to go there here I will update you later on.

Hi I can't even remember when I last updated you on me that's how
Fun I have had here it's a lot better now that I'm in grad ten now and
Its my birthday today I'm turning 15 years old and that who i said that
Kept looking out me he's my boyfriend now. Got to go I'm going
Shopping with my friends.

Hi it's been long sense Iv updated my thing buts that's ok because I
Have been okay and now I have been great here and don't have to worry
Writing anymore but I will because I like come around it In English I really
Like it now I got a A in my story about one life one new life it's my birthday
Today I'm turning 15 years old today I'm going to be so busy 10:00am
I'm having a party got to go my friends are helping me set up talk later.

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