The three girls are back

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2/2/13 hi I'm back form class it's recess now yeah that was really boring
My maths teacher made us do a test but I made a friend called Brooke she
Is so nice to me ok got to go talk later yeah P.E.
hi I'm back it lunch time and and I'm sitting with some really
Nice girls I'm going well making now friends I'm not scared anymore
There is a boy who keeps on staring out me I think he like me he's In
My English class and P.E class but I think he's going out with someone
Else got to go bell just went talk later.
hi I'm back we have free time I know free time in high school
I guess it's because I fished my work I like writing because it takes my
Mind of anything and I don't like playing games I just write I didn't
Even want to go to high school I told my mum that I don't want to
Go but She said that I have to go so I went hiding but she fund me
And took me to school I was scared in England high school because
There are to many people but like here got to go the bell just went
For my next lesson talk later.

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