9.Dream Watcher and his meddling

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"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Namjoon." 

'I do not smile, why am I smiling?' I think to myself as I look at her, "I've been sent to be your partner." I add as she looks at me unblinkingly with her hands on her hips as a wisp of her hair falls once again over her face. 

"Well come on then! You're late as heck!" she exclaims as I quickly nod and head over to her. She bends down to pick up the shears she left on the ground and gets up and looks at me standing not knowing what to do. 

"Are you telling me Boss Yoonji didn't tell you what to do?" she asks with a scowl on her face, "Uhm, not quite." I tell her as she shakes her head, "Fine I'll show you what to do then, First you get your shears and cut off the lemons. The branches are quite thick so you need to apply strength when you clip the lemons off." she explains as she cuts a giant one off that was growing on a branch she could reach.

 'So that's how you use that shear.' I think to myself, "Like this?" I ask cutting another that was a bit high up as she nods, "Then we have to roll it all the way to the farmhouse." she says as she lets the wooden part of the shear hang from a loop on the waist of her 'overall's. I do the same and roll the lemon I picked beside her on her right as the weird flute keeps on playing. 

The wind is blowing lightly now giving me a view of her face properly as her hair is brushed aside. She has two moles delicately placed on the tip of her right eyebrow and another almost meeting the first but right after her eye. Her nose is sharp while her jawline is slightly visible, 'Wait why am I looking at her like that?' I quickly think and mentally scold myself as I focus on our surroundings. 

The lemon trees were now only a few as we move forward and I see a big blue farmhouse, Sora kept on pushing the lemon constantly huffing at the strand of her hair falling on her face. "Here we are," she announces as we stop in front of the huge farmhouse, she rolls the lemon aside and wipes her hands on her clothes as she looks at me and purses her lips.

 "What do we do now?" I ask her as she nods her head to the door, "We knock." she replies as she knocks thrice and steps back. 

The strand of hair falls on her face again but this time she doesn't seem to notice as it irks something in me, I step near her and reach forward and tuck the strand behind her ear. "There, it disturbed me." I tell her as she looks at me with a shocked expression. "Well you could've just told me." she says as she looks elsewhere as she tucks her hair again, "Sorry." I tell her despite not wanting to mean it as I look away feeling awkward. 

A few seconds later the door opens from the inside and out comes a woman with black short hair almost reaching her neck framing her pale round face and eye that reminds me of a cat, she was dressed in a garment that resembled some sort of short skirt and another one of the shirts with a black pair of the garment called pants. 

"Back with another lemon Sora?" she asks delicately brushing her hair away from her neck as Sora rolls the lemon towards the woman. "Yes Miss Yoonji." she replies respectfully as Yoonji nods at her approvingly looking at the lemon, her eyes then fall onto me as I do a small wave, "Whose this young man?" she asks a bit sternly as Sora's neck snaps towards me in shock.

 "Wasn't he the partner you sent me?" she asks voice a little pitchy as she warily takes a step away from me as I jump forward to my defense, "Yes I am!" I say as the woman tilts her head up to get a good look at me. "Now, I don't remember-.." she starts but then pauses as her eye get a bit cloudy which Sora seems to miss but I don't, "Oh wait I do remember now!" the woman finally says her eyes back to normal as a smile appears on her face as I blink at her confusedly. 

"He is the one I sent to you!" she says a bit more cheerily as I see a wisp of pink near her ear making me realize who's behind the sudden cheery change in this woman. "Oh thank god, I thought for a second you said he wasn't." Sora lets out a sigh of relief as I do the same, "Just got a bit confused sweetheart." she smiles now a bit eerily as she looks at me with the smile never going as I gulp down the unease, 'It's just a dream, it's just a dream.' I keep on telling myself.

 "So where do we keep these two Ma'am?" Sora questions as the woman nods, "Right in here, You know what why don't you two come in and see what I'm doing?" she asks as a sinister tune is played on the flute giving me the jitters. 

"We'd love to!" Sora immediately accepts the offer as I shake my head no at her trying to warn her of my gut feeling, but I'm forced to stop as the feline-like woman's gaze falls on me. "Come in then!" she sings showing us the way as Sora steps forward confident and I hesitate as Yoonji walks in front of us through the ominous darkness. 

Sora looks back at me observing that I hadn't come in, she walks towards me and grabs my hand, and makes me walk inside with her with a beautiful smile on her face as my legs follow suit without my will. 'We're doomed.' I think as I prepare myself for whatever meets us in that place. 

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