Chapter 7- sleep

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while! I've been up to a lot of things, pretty much all good for the most part, which just means I got busy! I also put a lot of pressure on my return to Wattpad being big with lots of great writing and edits done, which made me a little anxious. But then I figured screw it, I'm sure you guys would much rather have something than for it to be perfect, so here's this little chapter for my comeback, hope you enjoy!-A.B.

Hunter's POV

Grayson looked so peaceful asleep, even with his clearly disheveled appearance. I could understand why he might not want to live with me right away, but I've known him about a year now, and with all that's going on at home with his tool of a dad, you'd think he'd be more than accepting of my offer.
I try to focus on grading the midterms that were submitted online, but I get through maybe five before I push my laptop aside, giving up on being able to put my whole focus on the tests.
He's beautiful, and not just his looks either. Grayson is kind, and helpful, and so smart as well. But I've struggled since I met him, having to watch him retreat into himself more and more each day. Between his seizures getting more frequent, and whatever was happening in his pack, I could tell he was struggling with each passing day.
I just hoped I could convince him to mate me before he faded completely.
And maybe it was selfish, taking a young man that was helpless and trying to claim him as a mate, even if he wasn't mine, but surely Grayson could see I wasn't just doing this for myself. Maybe that's how it all started, but surely being with me is better than the alternative of waiting with his father for his actual mate to come, and hoping they get there before it's too late. I rested my hand on his leg, only the blanket separating us, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

He's here, he's safe.

Sometimes it gets harder and harder to tell which part of me wants him more, me or my wolf. Both are eager to claim him, but my wolf will never feel the guilt of taking another wolfs unclaimed mate for their own safety, especially not a natural omega. He only sees someone needing protection, and I can't say I disagree. No one else was stepping up to protect him, whatever his brainless pack was doing, they were severely lacking any self preservation, because if it wasn't for the tentative truce our pack and theirs had, my father would have surely decimated them by not for their treatment of Grayson. My father had only met him twice, and while he definitely fits the mold of hard-ass alpha, his wolf understood the need of seeing to Grayson.

My father knew he wasn't mine, he's the only person that knows besides me. While he might not totally agree with my mating him, rather than an alternative solution, he says he won't stop me. But if I didn't do something to help Grayson, I'm more than certain my father would.

Just touching Grayson groused me. I didn't know if it was because of his nature as an omega, or just who he was, but he had a hold on me, that's for sure. While he might not know or understand it, I return the favor. I grasp his ankle a little firmer, not enough to rouse him, but enough that my alpha presence would be made known to him, helping him relax further.

It wasn't a small thing, but it felt necessary. With all he's given me, it's the least I can do.

He's given me a purpose.

Grayson's POV

To say I needed that nap was an understatement.

While I had been tense all day, the seizure and the hospital wore me out a lot more than usual today. And despite the fact that we're weren't even mated, being in Hunter's home with him calmed me to an extent. Though I'm not totally sure if it's an omega thing with him being a alpha, a mate thing, or an, "being anywhere but home is more relaxing" thing. It was times like these I was tempted to take Hunter up on his offer of moving in with him, but then I'm always quickly bombarded with the reasons why I couldn't.

Firstly, we're not mated, and I'm not going to until I turn 18 and can confirm with my wolf that he is actually my real mate. He hasn't given me a reason to doubt him so far, but it wouldn't be the first time an alpha has lied to me.
Second, while living with my dad is most days the literal last thing I want to be doing most days, I have to. Not for myself, but for Elsie, my sister. She's 9, and I'd like to think my dad would never hurt her like he does me, but that's not a risk I'm willing to take. She's at school during the day, and pack training most weekends with the other kids, but at night, I can just picture what he did to me at her age. How it felt when an angry fist felt knotted in your hair, yanking you out of bed in the middle of the night, and what tender flesh felt like after a beating the next day. She's a child, just like I was when the beatings started, she can't run, just like I can't now. For her, I'll take it. When she's out of the house or can defend herself, then I can worry about me, but for now, I'm all she's got.
And the last reason why I can't move in with Hunter, he's my professor.

Yeah, that ones a hard to get past. He's only 29, which in werewolf lifetimes is barely an age gap, but I can't even imagine all the shit that would go wrong if someone found out at campus about us. Hunter would lose his job, people would assume I was using him to cheat in class, which would mean everything each of us had worked so hard to achieve would be destroyed. No, we have to wait until I at least can know for certain that he's my mate. A forever with my mate would be worth the sacrifice.

Rousing myself further from my nap, I moved to sit up, only to feel a pressure on my ankle. I looked down past my legs to find that Hunter had his hand lightly grasping my ankle. Not in a forceful way, more in a "I wanna know when you wake up" kinda way.
His laptop was on the coffee table, as were his glasses, and his legs were stretched across the piece of furniture as well. It was then I noticed that he had was draped across the top the cushion of the back of the couch, and it looked like he was asleep.

I could never argue with the fact that I did find Hunter attractive, in a clean-cut and well put together kind of way. He has sandy blond hair, a little longer in the middle, but shaved close on the sides, light blue eyes, and a clean shaved face that made it hard to ignore his jawline. If it was anybody else, him claiming them as a mate would definitely be seen as the ultimate score. But I still can't help feeling that something was up with our so called "mate bond to be". It all seemed to convenient to me. He's an alpha son about to take over the pack, and a natural omega, about to turn 18, and he happens to stumble upon me after we had been living one town apart for years? It just didn't seem right. Maybe that was my skepticism, but I didn't trust it. Leave it to me to take a perfectly good thing and turn it into a new stress to add into my life. Just thinking about it was starting to give me another headache, and I decided it would be worth it to try to sleep for a little bit longer. It's rare I'm able to sleep this good, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I can.

Let me know why you think! I'm hoping I can get into a better writing groove, but for now I'm just happy I was able to write again without being stressed that it's perfect :)

I'm curious to know what you guys are thinking about Hunter! Hope you enjoyed!-A.B.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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