yo mama jokes page 3

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yo mamas so fat when whales see her they say we are family.

yo mamas so fat the national weather agency has names for her farts

yo mamas so fat she had to buy 2 airline tickets

yo mamas so fat she fell and made the grande canyon.

yo mamas so ugly she makes blind children cry.

yo mamas so fat when she bends over we go in to day light savings.

yo mamas so stupid she yelled in a envelope  and thought she sent a email.

yo mamas so stupid she put 2 quarters in her ear and thought she was listening to 50 cents.

yo mamas so dam at i pitched   her in my head and my neck broke.

yo mamas so stupid her belly button makes her echo.

yo mamas so fat she could not float to hell so she sank  to hell.

yo mamas so fat she left the house wearing high heels and came  bac with flip flops.

yo mama so stupid she sold your car for gas money.

yo mamas so dirty she makes the mud look clean.

yo mama so fat when she sneeses gravy comes  out.

yo mamas ass is so big nasa thought the found another planent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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