Changlix | Skateboarder

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Ship: Changlix
Genre: Slight Angst x Fluff

It was 6am when the alarm clock decided to make a loud noise trying to wake up the young boy,however Felix was already up due to his messed up sleep schedule. Being insomnic was never a fun thing,he always felt weak and tired all day after another sleepless night but there was nothing to do about it, he had already accepted his faith.

Felix got up leaving a messy bed behind him and russhed to the bathroom to complete his morning routine. He stood infront of the mirror staring at himself dissapointingly. He grabbed the concealer from the shelf and slowly applied some on his face,covering up his freckles which he always saw them as ugly dots on his face.

Not being hungry he skipped breakfast as usually,locking the house before leaving to his his oh "beloved" job. He worked at a skaterboard shop as a cashier.Not because he really wanted to but for his "luck" that was the only place that accepted and hired him.
He entered building,embracing the edgy,dark feeling which the shop had. He stood behind the counter and started to organize some things before the first costumer could arrive.

It didn't take a lot of time to the shop being filled with costumers. Most of them were some teenagers who tried to look cool by skateboarding or doing some shitty tricks to impress their friends or felix who wasn't really impressed nor interested,since he had already seen all of those tricks alot and he's sure he could do them without any practicing it by the amount of time he saw them,or was he?

The time passed fast. It was just one hour till closing. Felix was sitting on the chair playing some games on his phone not expecting anyone to show up at this time but of course his expections had to be ruined by the sound of the opening door. He looked up and saw a boy who was around his age. He was short,had black hair and a sharp jawline. Felix was so mesmerized that he didn't even notice the boy was already standing infront of him.

"Excuse me"the boy waved trying to catch the distracted cashiers attention

"Oh! Uhm,sorry." Felix said awkwardly

"It's alright" a quiet chuckle left the boy's mouth as he placed down a few things on the counter. "I want these"

Felix took the items and scanned them while taking a few glances of the other boy.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" He said teasingly

To say Felix whole face was burning by the embarassment. He was sure even a tomato would be jealous by the current color of his face.

The older boy smirked then payed for the things he bought.

"Well have a nice day..Felix"

Felix eyes widened by hearing his name, almost going after the other boy and asking him if he was a spy before realizing he had a name tag on.

It was night.

The australian was laying on his bed thinking about the exact same thing since he left the shop. The shorter boy he saw earlier wouldn't leave his mind. Thinking about him made the younger boy's heart flutter which he found quite dumb since he just met the shorter today.

'Stop thinking about him stupid,you just met him today,plus he wouldn't even like you. I bet if he saw those freckles he would be disgusted by them.'

Several thoughts like this were rambling inside the boy's head not letting him sleep.


It's been a week since Felix saw the short boy. He kinda missed the cute stranger and hoped to see him again but due to his bad luck the boy haven't shown up.

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