Minsung | Warmth

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Ship: Minsung
Genre: Fluff

It was a cold rainy night.
Jisung was sitting on the couch wrapped up in soft blankets,hugging his favorite plushie tightly. He was watching his favorite show as usual cuz he didn't have anything better to do,he already finished with his duties for the day. His attention was no longer on the tv for a while,he was staring at the empty spot beside him and sighed. Everything was good but one thing was missing and that missing thing was no other then his lovely boyfriend,Minho. Jisung yawned and looked at the time sleepily, it was almost 1 am . He was tired and was craving for some cuddles from his boyfriend but he knew the older was still probably working. He missed the older boy's warm hugs.

Jisung lifted up his plushie and stared at the cat plush above him "I wonder how's Minmin doing." He kissed the top of the plushie's  head before placing it down on the couch.
He got up and decided to pay a visit to his favorite hyung.


"Minmin" Jisung said as he slowly entered the room and approached Minho.

Minho immediately lifted his head up by hearing the familiar sweet voice and a big smile appeard on his face .

"Yes sungie?" he said calmly and turned around to face the cute boy. Jisung was standing in pajama's which were atleast two size bigger then his small body. Minho may appear cold looking sometimes but his whole appearance changes when it comes to the cute boy. Minho has the biggest soft spot for Jisung. His eyes scanned the boy and immadiately softened by the sight.

Jisung rubbed his eyes with his small hands and smiled,his hair was a little bit messy and slightly dark circles were seen under his big doe eyes.
He looked like a mess which Minho found cute.

"I want to cuddle" he said it in a whiny and tired voice.

"Oh sungie"he chuckled then motioned him to take a sit on his lap

The younger didn't hesitated much and sat on minho's lap burying his face into the older's chest. Minho smiled and caressed Jisung's soft hair,Jisung leaned into the touch loving the older's affection towards him.

For Jisung Minho was his everything. He enjoyed the way he touched him,the way he took care of him,the way he always had time for him no matter what. He really loved  Minho and he couldn't wish for someone better then him cuz Minho was already perfect.

"When are you going to finish? You've been working all day"Jisung said it with a hint of dissapointment in his voice
"It's late minmin,you should take a rest"he looked up to minho with tired eyes.

It was true,Minho had been working alot recently,he was the only one who had a paying job. Jisung was still in college. The younger had offered multiple times taking a part time job to support the older boy,but Minho had declined everytime he mentioned this, telling him to not to worry and everything will be okay and he should focus on his studies for the better .Jisung listened to him of course but still felt bad for his hyung,he just wanted to help him out. It hurted him to see the other suffering lately.

Jisung and Minho lived together. They met at school when they were young,Minho was an introverted shy kid while Jisung was the exact opposite of him. Jisung somehow ended up taking an interest in the shy boy and tried to befriend him by approaching him everyday. Luckily Minho felt comfortable with the younger boy's presence and grew close to him in a short amount of times due to having a lot of similarities and interest in things. The two boy ended up falling in love under the years but when they confessed their relationship to their parents both of them got kicked out. Saying they didn't struggled would be a lie but Minho didn't gave up and did everything he could for his boyfriend safety.

Minho sighed "soon little one,soon" he cupped jisung's cheeks with one hand and kissed his nose while gently caressing his back with the other .The younger soon after calmed down and let the sleepiness take over him.
Putting the paper work down on his desk ,Minho finally could say he is done for today.
Seeing the time was no longer a suprise for him, he usually finished around 2 or 3am.
He looked down and saw the younger  boy sleeping peacefully while hugging his body like a koala.The older cooed at the sight.Not wanting to wake the sleeping boy up,Minho slowly lifted Jisung's body and carried him into their shared badroom.He placed the sleeping boy down on the bed and pulled the soft blankets over him.

The younger looked adorable,he looked like a cute little squirrel. Minho smiled at the cute boy and decided to go and take a shower quickly so he can cuddle the boy afterwards. Minho was about to leave when he suddenly felt a small hand grabbing the fabric of his shirt.

"Where are you going? Aren't you gonna sleep?"Jisung yawned and looked tiredly at Minho's direction.

Minho chuckled and leaned down to kiss the younger's forehead "I have to take a shower first,I'll be fast I promise."

The younger nodded and went back to sleep.

After finishing with showering,he dressed up and went back to the room to lay down beside his sleeping lover. He took the younger boy in his arms and embraced him into a warm hug.Minho loved being the big spoon. Jisung feeling the older's presence,he snuggled closer to Minho . Oh,how Jisung loved his boyfriend warmth,he always felt safe and protected in his arms.He turned around only to face a smiling Minho.

"I missed yor cuddles"Jisung said as he locked eyes with the older.

Minho chuckled "You did?

"Mhm." Jisung nodded

Minho patted the youngers head "Don't worry, today i'll have a day off and we can go on a date,make some hot chocolate and cuddle all day,sounds good right?"

Jisung nodded quickly as his eyes sparkled with full of excitement .

"Alright,then let's sleep so we won't be tired." Minho ruffled Jisung's hair then pulled the younger's body closer to his.

Jisung giggled

"Good night minmin" he whispered and buried his face into the crook of Minho's neck.

"Good night little one" he responded then planted a soft kiss on the youngers hair.

That night both of them fell asleep peacefully in each others warmth.

The end

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