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Mature Content ahead : Mention of murder .

If you are sensitive person or young aged don't read further as it may triggering for you .

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Break up

Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person who you thought never hurt you .

After a terrible break up Y/N shut herself away from the outside world . She don't even dreamt  ,  in her wildest dreams that he will broke her heart apart like this . Even after knowing everything about her , he broke her heart . Even after giving thousands of promises to be with her till the end . Is it this , the end he were talking about ?

A bet . That's what he said for the reason , for our break up. It was all a bet for him . A bet , to be with me . A bet , to act as my boyfriend. A bet , to break my heart apart . A fu*king bet , to tear my soul apart as it was a paper .

A tear slipped out of my left eye remembering when he said to me , at the school hallway that I was bet to him and he want to break up with me.

Was I really nothing to him ?
Was I really a bet ?
What about our relationship we shared ? Didn't he felt nothing when he stayed with me ? Didn't he felt nothing when he said ' I love you s ' to me ?

I stood up from my bed and went to bathroom . I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It is not me . Someone else , who have the same feature of me . It's not the girl who had a bubbly personality , these past days . It's a person who lost the only one person whom she trust the most , who lost the last bit of hope , who became all alone again , most of all who lost her soul .

All our past memories replayed in my mind as a sweet romantic movie . Cuddling sessions , small butterfly kisses , small yet bright future plans , late night rides , confessions . Everything. Every single thing about him replayed in my mind .

Not everything lasts long . So , is our love ?

No . Our love was , is , will always precious . And precious things have to last long , isn't it ? I opened the tap and looked at the water flowing. I splashed a handful of water to my face , feeling relaxed . I smiled upon seeing my reflection in the mirror, once again .

Next day

Every students stood there shocked upon seeing the girl who entered the classroom . It's not like they are seeing her for the first time . But it's their first time seeing her being this much bold .

This b!tch . Someone threw a curse word at her just like any other day. Just like normal day , she didn't bothered about it.

Someone who is sitting in the bench threw a half drank chocolate milk packet at her but she skillfully dodged it making it fall on the floor.

She walked towards to the last bench . There sitting the bad boy of the school , the one who broke her heart apart . Her ex lover . Kim Taehyung .

His eyes travelled her face . It is the first time , him seeing her , after their break up .

She stood in front him , bending towards his eye level , giving a perfect smirk . Before moving to his right ear .

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