Tragic Smile

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A smile can hide so many feelings . Fear , sadness , heartbreak.
But it also shows one ,
other thing ,

Y/N was cleaning her storeroom when her eyes fell upon a cardboard box in the corner of the room. The cardboard box is covered with dust and spider web indicating that it's been years since she last took the box outside.

Her eyes filled with tears upon seeing that cardboard box. She slowly take the cardboard box in her hands and sat on the floor.

She removed the dust and spider web with the help of a wet cloth and opened the cardboard box.

It is filled with a lot of things . A diary,
a couple t - shirt , a necklace , a pair of couple ring and a lot of polaroid photos.

She take the polaroid pics from the box . It's a photo of a boy and girl . Both of them look so much happier in the photos . And the girl resembles
Y/N . Not a small resemblance. She is the girl . There is a lot of photo of them being together. Some were cuddling pics  , some were kissing pics and other were some other happy poses . Anyway all the photos indicate one thing , they were happy being together.

She placed the all photos on the floor and take the couple t - shirt out. The couple t - shirt printed with the saying , ' He's mine ' and ' She's mine ' .

A small smile formed on her lips reading this words .

She folded the couple t- shirt and kept it beside her and took the jewelleries out . A couple ring and necklace. She looked at the couple rings fondly remembering how they exchanged the couple rings on their marriage. And she looked at the necklace which he brought for her . A faint memory of him passed in her mind . How happy was he when he brought these things for her .

At last , she took the diary out . Even though it was a thick one , it was not used completely . Most of the pages are still  not written .

She opened the diary and read the content she wrote back then ,


Don't cry because it's over . Smile , because it happened . And if you can't do that , force a smile on your face and sob into your pillow later


She turned the next page ,


Our parting was like a stalemate....
Neither of us won .
Yet both of us lost .

And worse still.............
that unshakable feeling that
nothing was really finished .



time and space
was beautiful ,
even if it
has ended ,
even if it will
never be the same ,
the universe
is a strange place .
In the end ,
I'm just thankful
to have shared
anything with you ,
for any time
at all .

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