Chapter 12: Guilt

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We entered the Burrow, and Fred led me to the room that he shared with George. Our arms had finally un-linked and I walked into the house without his comforting touch. As we navigated through the cozy house, I noticed our luggage was in the living room. I made a quick mental note to pick it up later.

George was already in the room, staring up at the ceiling lazily.

"Hello you two," George greeted as we entered the room.

"Oi mate," Fred replied. We stood in the doorway for a moment, then entered.

Fred plopped down on his bed, George sat up, and I stood awkwardly in the corner by Fred's bed, as it was closer to the door, not knowing where to stand.

I looked around their bedroom skeptically, noticing all the Quidditch posters hanging, and the dark blue color of their walls.

"So the real reason you have been called here today, contradictive to the contrary beliefs, we have gathered here to discuss the new breakthrough of the ginger geniuses, Nosebleed Something!" George announced.

"Nosebleed Something?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well, Puking Pastilles was a good name, and we can't figure one out for a nosebleed. So for now, it's Nosebleed Something."

"Okay. Nosebleed... er... ah... Oh Merlin I don't know!"

"Harder than it looks, eh?" Fred asked with a knowing grin. My stomach fluttered. Ew stop, since when has my stomach felt like a hoard of butterflies camped in there? Get a grip, Rose!

I pushed the gooey thoughts from my head.

"We'll figure something out eventually," I finally replied.

I placed my hand on my chin and began to think harder about what names possibly started with the letter "n". I stared into the twins' eyes, lost in thought. They returned the look. We just did this for a few minutes.

Nosebleed... Nosebleed Nectarines? No. Er... nuggets? No.... Nosebleed Nips! No, that sounds weird....

Suddenly, rousing me from my thoughts, an arm linked itself around my waist and pulled me onto the bed. I looked up at Fred.

"You looked like you needed to sit down and be a little more comfortable," Fred explained, engulfing me into his starry, hazel eyes. He pulled me over to his side and hugged me around my middle in a one-armed hug.

I shivered slightly from the closeness of our touch.

George commented, "You and Rose got your share of 'being comfortable' on the train ride here." George smirked and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

I felt my face heat up, and I looked at my feet, covering my face with my short hair and glasses. Out of the corner of my vision, I could see Fred.

Oh my goodnessgraciousMerlin'sflippingbeardJiminycricketmotherofpearl. I just made Fred Weasley blush. For the second time that day. The notorious prankster, the boy who had it all since birth, the hilarious, cunning, and oh so handsome Fred Weasley. The guy any girl would die for.

And I made him flush the color of a pink lady apple. Me, the girl who any boy would never notice, the girl whose hair is in a constant state of 'did you just wake up?', who hides behind books all day and ridiculously geeky glasses.

If it was possible, I think I blushed even more red. I honestly can't remember the last person who could make my face a tomato before Fred Weasley.

"Oh, come off it, George. I can't help that we had to wake up at some unreasonable hour to board the Hogwarts Express!" Fred angrily spat.

George just grinned even wider. "Okay, whatever you say.... Lovebirds."

Fred brushed off his brother's comment and smoothly changed the tone. "On the topic of all of this mushy nonsense, I have a little something for you, Rose."

Fred pulled an all-too-familiar letter out of his pocket. My admirer must have sent it by owl, or on the train. I tenderly grabbed it from his grip, our hands brushing for a brief moment.

"Read it aloud, Rosie Posie!" The twins chorused. I rolled my eyes and began, "You are shy on the outside, but every time I see you, a courageous spirit shines through brighter each day. Your wit and bravery are exceptional and envious. You bless every person who has the gift of meeting you."

A few tears welled up in my eyes, making my vision blurry as if I had taken off my glasses. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to cry at really mushy, lovey dovey, romantic cheese-ball things. This, was definitely one of those things.

I lifted the letter up slightly to block my face. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. And then the other cheek. I blinked a few times to act as a dam for the water attempting to spill from my eyes, and it was a success. I brushed the tears away with the back of my hand, now was not the time to get sappy, especially in front of my friends.

I looked at the note in my unworthy hands. This admirer was sweet and had beautiful poems for an undeserving person. I stared at it guiltily.

"What's wrong? Is it bad or something?" Fred asked, a tone of nervousness in his voice. I shook my head. "It's not that," I answered, "the problem is that it's perfect... and I don't know who this secret admirer is, but, I think I may be falling for somebody else."

My eyes caught Fred's and I hoped he wouldn't notice how longing the look I gave him was. I felt so guilty towards my admirer, sitting on Fred's bed with Fred's arm wrapped around me. I put down the letter. I think I may be falling for Fred Weasley.

Secret Admirer: A Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now