Chapter 30: Surprise surprise

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The dance was lovely. Streamers floated in the air, flowing around the room as if gravity didn't have a say in the matter.

For some odd reason they kept circling Fred and bopping him on the head numerous times.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with George and Angelina over there in the corner.

Did I ever mention how much I love magic?

"Ouch! The bloody streamer just gave me a paper cut!" Fred said, breaking my gaze from Harry and Ginny.

"Oh goodness, are you alright?" I asked, setting down my drink.

"I'll be fine," Fred said with a slight grimace. He rubbed his cheek tenderly.

"C'mon Rose, let's dance."


"It's called a dance, silly. Let's go!"

"I'm really really horrible at dancing."

"But you were the one who taught me to-" Fred started to say, but then stopped speaking and rested his hand on  my shoulder.

I looked down at my shoes, and laced my fingers behind my back.

Fred lifted up my chin with his forefinger. He met my eyes and smiled warmly.

"Then let's go outside, yeah? This dance is a tad loud." He took my hand and touched his cut gingerly. "And dangerous."

I laughed softly, and let him lead me through the throng of people, weaving our way to the gardens out back.

I heard Fred laugh from in front of me, his bold laughter rang throughout the starry night, and lit a smile onto my lips. He is so childish sometimes.

We picked up speed as we dashed into the empty courtyard. The night wind blew waves of cold air through my thin dress, and filled me with even more adrenaline than before.

He suddenly stopped before me, and turned around, catching me as I fell into his arms for the second time that night.

I pushed myself off of him and felt my face burn red.

"Thanks, Fred. Sometimes that many people is a bit overwhelming."

"No worries. Besides, you always look beautiful under the light of the moon."

I gasped.

How could he be so straightforward?! It was refreshing and scary, like taking a very high dive into a cool body of water. It shook me to the bones.

I tried to give the shock back.

"I think you look handsome under any light."

"I know you do," he answered cockily, winking and throwing his best grin.

"Fred you git!" I yelled, pushing him backwards. I couldn't help but think that this definitely backfired.

"There's the spiteful Rose I know and love!"

Merlin, does he really just throw these powerful words around without care?

Secret Admirer: A Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now