Chapter 23

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I Like The Man Who Is Said To Be The Villain Chapter 23:
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In the initial stage, even the ability user just got more attention. Ordinary people didn't even experience a coma in the beginning, and they naturally escaped early when they were well prepared.

The ones that haven't come out yet are either evolved power users or zombies that have been mutated and infected. The battle is much less than expected, and even the smoke of gunpowder in the legend has not been seen.

The security point on the side of the botanical garden is temporarily established by a large living community, and it is unrealistic to arrange the survivors who have rushed over to the homes of the aborigines. Fortunately, next door to the community is a newly built residential community that has not yet been completed. There is no problem in arranging people there for the time being.

Ye Ye's salute was still unsuccessful in the end, and the six ability users in the group of seven were directly assigned to the new house on the first floor of a building in the middle of the community.

With three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms, the area of ​​180 square meters can be sold for more than one million yuan in Haicheng if nothing happens.

"There is a small meteorite in the botanical garden. It is still in the lake because it is difficult to salvage when it falls into the lake." As soon as the seven people entered the room, Yu Bai spoke directly.

Looking at Su Yunxi and Ye Ye, he hesitated for a while. "We're going to stay here to observe, you two..."

"I won't leave you anyway, don't even think about it." Su Yunxi rolled his eyes and walked in. The house they were assigned to was already hardcovered.

Not only was the water, electricity, and home appliances complete in the room, Su Yunxi found the sofa and went in directly and didn't want to move. On the surface, he hadn't slept for more than 20 hours, but in fact he hadn't had a good rest for more than a week.

The fatigue of the body was completely released at this moment, and within a minute of being paralyzed on the sofa, my eyelids started to feel heavy, and I was about to fall asleep.

Ye Zi sighed in his heart, hesitated for a while and chose to walk beside Su Yunxi. "I follow my brother."

I don't know how Su Yunxi felt when he heard it, or maybe it was just because there was another person around him, so he instinctively opened his eyes and took a look. She smiled stupidly at Ye Zi, and lay down holding the pillow without being embarrassed at all.

In less than three seconds, he had already started snoring.

Li Xiao walked around the whole house and saw the sleeping man on the sofa. He stared at Su Yunxi in disbelief, and then to Yu Bo again. "Boss, why are you, Doctor Su, so tired?"

Li three times with a few smirks and blushing, watching the play with a grin, ready to see how their boss will deal with this kid Li Xiao. It's a pity that Yu Bo just glanced at Li Xiao calmly, not to say clean up, not even a word of rebuttal came out.

Three rooms, if they all live here, a girl will definitely live in one alone. The remaining two...

Yu Bo's eyes just swept around the door, thinking about how to allocate it, Ye Ye has already raised his hand quickly. "I'll just live on the balcony, and I'll just have to trouble the big brother to carry this sofa to the balcony later."

Seven people, three rooms, if she still lives alone, the remaining six will be inappropriate. The most important thing is that Ye Ye knows better than anyone else that now she can stay here almost like a tow oil bottle, and she has no right to pick and choose.

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