MinChan + felix

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Hybrid au

Happy puppy

Being a bored and adhd ridden hums he was, minho was hyper, but his partner in crime was dead asleep on their couch. Chans tail was swishing in the air and Felix, like the feline he was, was trying to swat at it every chance he got. Felix was still in his body form of a human but slowly was slipping into the want to shift.

"Lix, you can shift if you need to" minho said letting Felix know it was okay. They had adopted the small cat almost a year ago and their time together was the best of the best. He was a 12 year old cat hybrid. One cat and one husky, what a mix. Chan would be harder to approach had he been pure wolf, but the wolf and husky hybrid mix was the softest fur ball you would ever find.

Minho didn't exactly get why people stared. So what he had a big dog in his home? He loved him. Chan may be older than minho but he is just as playful if not, even more playful.


"Lix i think you woke him up" minho hadn't turned around yet, but when he did, he softened at the sight. Chan and Felix were cuddling both in their animal forms. Minho couldn't help but smile, no one knew of his relationship with the two, Felix being his son, and this made minho upset that he couldn't show them both off the way he'd love.



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Lee.minho Felix and Channie cuddles?


Kim.seungmin i want more quality channie time

       Lee.know then maybe you should let me have some quality jinnie time

Yang.jeongin awww

Chan and Felix were not allowed to leave the house without minhos knowledge, unfortunately hybrid were rare where they lived and the only reason someone would fin an interest in the two was if they wanted their fur as an award. Minho refused to let that happen.

"Minho I wanna go out"

"Yeah papa can we go out!"

"Felix you hate the snow"

"I'm small enough to fit in a hoodie pocket!" Felix pouted.

"Put on my best and put him in one of the pockets there" chan suggests.

"No chan he could fall, i know you love the snow" minho smiled at chan who only blushed. "Wait here and I'll get a large hoodie for Felix.

Minho would normally have no problem if his two favorite people didn't constantly have ears and a tail. If they were able to hide both of those things without causing them any pain then he would let them roam more often. Their best bet was letting them stay in their animal forms.

"Okay let's go my little fur balls" minho called out. Chan was clearly excited as he yipped from his seated position on the ground, twill thumping against the wooden floor. What a happy puppy. Minho loved everything about Chan, his floppy fuzzy ears, large tail that immediately gave off when he was excited, and his protectiveness over the boy.

"I know Channie, snow is so exciting" minho cooed petting the top of chans black and white furry head.

"Dad is so fuzzy" Felix said also petting the furry dog. "I love it"

"Me too lix, me too"



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Lee.minho fuzzy Channie  and pocketed lix
Cred to Kim.seungmin

Kim. Seungmin Chan and hyunjin get along very well

       Lee.minho they have many things in common :)


Yang.jeongin watching the two goofy pups run around was a stress reliever

      Seo.changbin WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU STRESSED??

Hyunseungin next? :)

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