464 25 7

10:10 am, Seoul 

27th July (Last day of Tae's shoot) [For reference as I forgot to mention the date in the last ch.]

Medolica Corp., Meeting Room

"Ms Kim, what are the statistics? Any progress?" Asked the CEO Jung Jihyun.

"No sir, only Jungkook-shii is making a profit. The rest of our artists are either not capable or are joining another agency." Hearing this, Jihyun sighed. Being quite old, he just wants to retire rather than taking this stress. His son and daughter both refused to look after the company.

"Now only one thing can be done, that is to accept the offer made by Starduzt Entertainment. Let them acquire our company in return for 20 Million Won. At least I can peacefully retire and enjoy the rest of my life with my wife."

"Ok, sir I would contact them." She bowed and was about to go outside but again a sentence made her halt at her place. "Ask Jungkook and his manager to meet me. I would personally like to enlighten them about the happenings." "Sure sir." Replied the young lady.


"Hyung can't I just apply for another agency? I know I am popular and I earn a lot of profit but this company is only using me as a profit-making machine. They don't have any good artists anymore, so they are making me work not even caring about my health." Here a young man in his mid-twenties angrily yelled after being frustrated after doing continuous 4 shoots on the same day. 

The man is Jeon Jungkook, the hottest model alive. 25 years old and dated a few people in his career, you can call it a time pass as he never loved anyone truly. He just felt a bit attracted. His debut is considered the most famous and hottest debut ever made.

On debuting only, he got around 6 offers from different popular brands. It's been 4 years since he started working as a model and his demand keeps on increasing as time passes by. His company was good until an artist suicide due to stress and pressure, making the company go almost bankrupt. The whole company is just working because of him. Because of his hard-earned money.

"Jungkook-ahh you know i am trying my best. But seems like the CEO is quite fond of you." Kim Namjoon, his manager pushed back his hair, feeling the same emotions as the younger one. He also gets half of his salary. 

He is just in the company because of Jungkook. He doesn't want him to feel uncomfortable. It would surely affect his career. He knows how shy and introverted the younger was earlier and in fact, he still is. It's just that after being famous, he is coming out of his comfort zone.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and sat in the car tired of all the activities. Suddenly, Namjoon's phone rang. He talked a bit and after cutting the call, he looked nervously at him.

"Jungkook-ahh, CEO called us for a meeting. It's urgent according to him." "Hyung!!! I wanted some sleep. Now, what does this old man want? Fuck my life." Jungkook just frustratedly shouted while trapping his head in between his arms. 

Namjoon didn't say anything but asked the driver to take them to the office.


(After meeting the CEO)

"Yahoo!! I am gonna work in my dream company. I am so happy hyung. We gonna be free from this company. I would from now on work under Starduzt Entertainment. They already have some world-class artists." Jungkook cheered while dancing tinily in front of his hyung.

"Yeah, I am so excited. I am still gonna be your manager as well as an employee at Starduzt Entertainment. I especially want to meet the legendary actor Kim Taehyung." Kim Taehyung. This name bought back some memories from his high school days.

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