Chapter 2

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One week later...

School. First day after the accident. Crutches. No voice. What could possibly go wrong? I still had stitches in my right hand, and I needed crutches for a few weeks whilst my ankle healed. But the worst part of all this was my voice. I was a nobody if I couldn't speak. Actually, I already was a nobody.

"Ethan do you want me to drop you off as well?" Mum called.

"No I'm fine getting the bus mum, give you and Zoe some alone time," he said. I grinned to myself – except, that was frankly pointless because just like it had been with me and Ethan, it would be a one way conversation.

"Come on Zo," said mum, she picked up my schoolbag and I followed her outside on my crutches. Luckily whoever hit us was very rich and had to buy mum a new car, else I have no clue what we'd do.

At least I could express myself through texting, I really did delight in texting now, the only thing I could really do to talk to my friends. I had messaged Reina, Chloe, Lily and Eric separately last night, telling them about everything. Reina had immediately replied with 'geez omg r u ok?! See u 2morrow!' Eric, Chloe and Lily however never even responded, I hope I hadn't lost all my friends. 

The car journey took about ten minutes, but we were five minutes late because it had taken me ages to get ready. Mum took me to reception.

Mrs Granger was at the desk, typing.

"Oh good morning Zoe, how are you feeling?" she asked. I shrugged, I wondered if mum had told her that I didn't have a voice – probably. "Reina said she's going to wait for you by the lockers." I nodded and surreptitiously felt happy. I wanted to ask about Eric, Lily and Chloe, but now wasn't the right time.

Mum took me over to Reina; she smiled softly at me.

"How are you feeling?" she probed, wrapping me in a large hug. I just shrugged – what else could I do?

"Yeah, I know, I know," said Reina, understandingly. Mum had already left. I was still wondering about Eric, Chloe and Lily. Well – I'd soon find out.

Reina and I arrived at our form room ten minutes late.

"Hey Zoe, Reina, take a seat," said our form tutor, whose name was Miss Ivy. Reina and I made a beeline for our normal two seats, the ones we sat in together with Eric, Lily, and Chloe too. I noticed that the seat I normally sat on next to Reina and Lily, had Lily's bag on it.

"Lily please move your bag," said Reina sweetly and politely. Surely Lily wouldn't say no to her best friend when she had asked very nicely. Lily didn't look very willing to.

"No," Lily snorted, glaring at me and then shooting Reina an icy stare. Geez, Lily.

"Geez, Alright then," Reina cursed under her breath; she grabbed the empty chair and moved it right to the back of the room. Then she grabbed the chair with Lily's bag on, I shoved Lily's bag onto the floor with the end of one of my crutches.

"Hey Zoe! You don't have the right to touch my bag!" shrieked Lily. I glared at her, Reina moved the chair to the back and I sunk into it.

"Ignore them," said Reina. I mean, why did they hate me? Was it just because I'm a waste of space and a nobody because I don't have a voice? Did they think I wasn't worth it? I turned to Reina; she knew exactly what I was thinking.

"They said they'd ditch me if I stayed friends with you, I don't care if you can't speak, you're a better friend than any of them. Honestly, they are real scumbags, they don't see what you're really like. I like you for who you are, not having a voice doesn't take away your personality and it definitely doesn't take away your kindness," Reina held my hand in hers, "Ever since I've met you, you've been the kindest person I know and nothing can change that, you can still be the kindest person." She exhaled slightly and met my eyes. "Your voice doesn't affect that or define who you are. Secretly you've always been my best friend in our group, you've always been there for me." This time she inhaled, almost like she was holding back a bit. She seemed worried about what I might think. Well, she shouldn't be. "They just hate you because they think you're not worth it, they think you're boring and your personality has changed; they think you're a waste of space. Well they're wrong – you can still laugh – you can still show everyone how kind you are, because you are still Zoe Emerson, and nothing will change who you are." I felt so overwhelmed, I even felt a smile creeping across my face. She didn't have to worry about telling me anything; it felt pleasant to hear someone say something like that about me. I'm not sure anyone had ever complimented me that much, or said anything as nice.

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