Chapter 33

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"Gran?" I croaked, my hand reaching out for hers. I didn't even care about how much mud I was drenched in. None of that mattered anymore – only Max and Ethan mattered now. My hope had shattered complete. My hope of seeing Max and Ethan together tonight had gone – now I was not going to see either of them, just because I stupidly left Max alone in my bedroom.

"I'm so sorry Zo, I couldn't stop them," sniffed Grandma, clutching my hand firmly, she saw Skye eyeing us closely. She also probably didn't even register that I just spoke; she almost certainly couldn't care less right now. Neither could I. Without Max, Ethan, and Mum I was a nobody. Max mattered more than my voice. Even if I had my voice and no Max; it meant nothing. I'd never been able to say how I really felt; I wanted him to know how I did feel. All the things I could've said to him and my voice decided to come back a minute after he gets kidnapped! I could've said so much to him and now I can't say anything. I want to tell him I love him so much. I'd rather have my true love here and no voice, than a perfectly fine voice and my true love not here. That's how much I love Max.

I looked back at Grandma and cursed under my breath quickly. I sometimes really did hate myself.

"Who?" I asked; Grandma barely even registered that I was speaking. I wondered if Roddie cared too, not sure he even liked me hanging around with Max. Maybe he'd be pleased that I could go and mix with Jess and Paige now instead of leaning completely on Max.

"Two girls, they clambered in through your open bedroom window; they seemed to be yelling at each other. I came up to see what was happening. Max had to tell me where you were because I didn't want any more lies and I asked him who the two girls were. He said Chloe and Lily," said Grandma, sniffing as she spoke. She really did keep forgetting everyone's faces. Firstly, she saw them when I was younger. Secondly, she saw them at the bowling when they grabbed Ethan, and thirdly, she saw them in the supermarket when Lily punched me.

"Yeah, that's Chloe and Lily, the bullies," I croaked, sinking down on the step beside her, "What did they do?" I didn't care that Grandma forgot how they looked; I just wanted to know what happened.

"First of all they told me to get lost and then said, 'why is Max friends with Zoe and why is he round her house?' I didn't really have an answer because it's Max's choice what he does, but both girls seemed adamant that they definitely weren't going to leave, so I got Roddie to come," Skye was still looking at us. "Who is that by the way, Zo?"

"It's Skye, the bully's ringleader," I said angrily, glaring at Skye, "Anyway, then what happened?" Why the heck was she watching us like a hawk? Perhaps she just wanted to make sure Lily and Chloe had done everything right.

"The one with the messy brown hair tried to attack Max, Roddie tried to fight back," said Grandma. Come on, you've seen Chloe before, you should know what the girl looks like now. And it's a one in two chance of guessing her name correctly.

"That's Chloe," I said, nodding, annoyed. Grandma continued.

"Roddie managed to shove both girls into the bed, but Max already seemed pretty shaken up and he was struggling to breathe. Then the other girl, presumably Lily, leapt forward, past Roddie and grabbed Max's wrist. Roddie tried to grab her but it was too late. Lily ran to the window; Chloe followed, and they managed to get out, still with Max," Grandma started crying again. I started to sob on her shoulder. I was losing everyone now. I wanted to tell Max how much I loved him, and I might never get the chance. Maybe Roddie did care if he tried to stop them? Then I passed her Ethan's handkerchief.

"I guess that's one good thing, but I should've stayed with him," I started crying loudly.

"Zoe I'm glad that you went, it's bad enough if they took Max but not if they take you as well, you might've saved your life," said Grandma thoughtfully.

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