•M A T T•

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tinajomattel sorry for the delay on this one but j still hope you wil like it♡

Warning: 1 curse word.


Ohh btw if your name is lana I just want to apologize beforehand I just listened to lana del Rey 😅 sorry😅❤️


I have been best friends with the triplets since we were babies.
I get along with all of them really well but I do have a crush on Matt.

Nick and Chris already know this but they promised me not to tell him cuz i don't want to ruin our friendship with him.

I'm not quite the jealous type of girl but if a girl is all over him and super flirty with him I get mad and jealous and sometimes you can easily see it on me.

So recently they blew up on the internet and they have a lot of fans( sorry for making the fans the bad people in this story😅)

Some of the fans who is girls can be really weird and so flirty with them and it's disgusting to look at.

We were at McDonald's to eat some food cuz we were hungry and didn't want to cook. We were just sitting and eating and talking when a fan came up to us and asked to take a pic with them ofc they did but then she became all flirty and touchy with Matt and I was just looking at them with a disgusting face.

I think Nick saw cuz he tapped my shoulder and asked if I wanted to go out to get some air since we finished eating.

" I want to throw up" I said and looked at him while he started to laugh a little.

" well she was a little To flirty" he said and I just nodded my head in agreement.

After a few min Chris and Matt came out and the girl followed them out.
I looked at Chris and he just shrugged his shoulders.

" this is lana" Matt said introducing the girl and she just smiled.

" she asked if I could drive her home so if it is okay with y'all I'm driving her home" Matt asked as Nick and Chris answered he looked at me to make sure it was okay for me to.

" ehh yeah.. yeah sure" I said not trying to sound annoying.

Time skip at home ⛷️
We were all sitting in the livingroom and talking and being on our phones.
Matt was texting some one and smiling frome ear to ear and laughing. "Who are you texting" nick asked Matt looked up frome the phone " lana"  he said and kept texting.

" nice" I said annoyed and really quiet.. well that was what I thought.

Matt looked up at me " is there somthing wrong?" He asked and turned his phone off.

" Hmm what no no it's nothing" I said looking at him and faked smiled. Chris cleared his throat " sooo what are you two texting about?" Chris asked Matt. " nothing much" he answered still looking at me and I looked at him.

I looked back at my phone even tho I still could feel him stare at me " stop looking at me Matthew" I said still looking at my phone.

I got up to go get somthing to drink, " where are you going?" Matt ask " to get somthing to drink" i answered " can you get me a soda" chris asked i just nooded and walked to the kitchen.

I got my self a capri-sun and Chris his Pepsi. As I was about to walk out of the kitchen Matt came in " what's wrong with you" he asked as he dragged me up to his room.

I was in shock " what's wrong with me really what's wrong with you you don't seem to care that a girl is all touchy and flirty with you and then you dragged me up to your room" I tried not to be mad but I was really mad.

" why are you mad" he asked Leaning against his closed door and folding his arm's " are you jealous" he asked with a smal smirk on his face " no I'm not"  I answered and walking toward's him and pushing him away frome the door, as i was about to walk out he grabed my arm pulled me back in and closed the door and locked it. I almost fell backwards when he dragged me back in.

"Stop it Matt let me go" I said as my voice got louder " why are you so mad" he asked blocking the door " well maybe because a girl is so fucking flirty with you and you don't even seen to know that I exist and try to get a hint!" I said as I have given him hints before but  now I was really mad and I was screaming at him he looked shocked " w what" he said with a shocked face but his lips were almost smiling.

" Okay Matt I like you I like you a lot but I haven't told you because I was scared to lose our friendship " I said I didn't even think about what I said too him before I could even progress it he kissed me.

He kissed me with his soft lips and I kissed him back but the kiss was soon over " I like you to Y/N I really like you but I didn't know that you liked me to" he said as our forehead was pressed together, " do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked as he looked me in the eyes he had a smal smile on his face " yes" was all I said before he pressed his lips on mine again.

He unlocked the door and Chris and nick was standing  and smiling and clapping their hands. " can we watch a movie now" Chris asked while we started laughing " yeah" I answered smiling.


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