Chapter 1: Nali Petunia Orvinne

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A/N: I own nothing LotR related other than Nali. Credits for the entire history of the story that I am relying on go to J.R.R Tolkien. Professor Tolkien never wrote much about the aftermath of when the Ring was destroyed (That I could find!) and I am using a different outcome but if anyone can find anything about after the destruction of the Ring, please leave a link in the comments! Thank you!
Gandalf harrumphed as they walked along the small, narrow cobblestone path. After him trailed the sorrowful Aragorn Telcontar, the straight faced Legolas Thranduillion, the ever cheerful Peregrin Took, the slightly gloomy Meriadoc Brandybuck and the tired and moody Gimli son of Gloín. They past wooded areas and abandoned Orc camps until they finally reached the dock that stood over the shimmering Great Sea. Gandalf gruffly demanded they all get in the water and, with a slight outrage from Gimli at getting his beard wet, they all made it in the water with Gandalf still on the dock. The Wizard knocked his staff once on the wooden planks and murmured something. The remaining members of the Fellowship all felt a strange tingling feeling at the end of their toes and then an excruciating pain as their legs melded together and flaps of skin came loose on their necks. Pippin let out a small whimper while Aragorn twisted and contorted.
Gimli had undergone the transformation very quickly and was waiting for the others. Legolas relaxed and did not move a muscle. The Hobbits finished their transformation quickly while the larger members of the old Fellowship took longer. Gandalf quickened their transformations and performed the same magic on himself. He gestured down and dove beneath the calm waves of the Great Sea. The others hastened to follow. They dove down and down until their new tails ached and their lungs were burning from the exercise. They looked about and it seemed as though they were in a small grotto. In the grotto was a gigantic rock and on one side of the rock was a cleverly disguised door. The door was engraved in Elvish and read: The Doors of Nali stand tall and proud with the strength of the Seven Seas behind them. What pushes and pulls but never loses its hold? Gandalf thought for a moment, then the thought came to him. "The Great Sea on an Elf's mind." Legolas looked uncomfortable. The heavy stone doors swung open and the remaining Fellowship gaped in awe. Inside the doors was a stone home that could have belonged to a Hobbit, except for the fact that it was underwater. Hobbits and water do not go well together. They all swam into the lavish home until they reached the sitting room. There they saw a young girl who looked to be twelve with her long, silver blonde hair and large, purple innocent eyes. She sat on a large pink sea anemone waiting for them, it seemed. The remainder of the Fellowship filed into the medium sized room, blocking the entranceway with their bodies. Gandalf did what can only be described as a bow to the girl and she nodded her head in return. "Lady Nali." Gandalf spoke softly and politely. "Lady Nali Petunia Orvinne, but you can just call me Nali." She spoke to the Fellowship, voice soft and youthful. "I can tell you wish to return to the surface but Sauron's forces march across the borders of the Great Sea. Now, please, tell me your names." Aragorn swam forward, "Aragorn Telcontar, son of Arathorn." "Something plagues your mind, Elessar." She placed her small hands on his temples and briefly looked into his mind. The mind to mind contact caused Nali to be quite nauseous and dizzy although she did not vomit. "There is a woman, an Elven woman. She departed for Valinor on the last ship." She spoke slowly, "You loved her and would have given your life for her. Her name was... Was... Arwen." Aragorn's face contorted as though he was stabbed through the heart with an invisible sword. Nali squeezed her eyes tight with him as he let out a hoarse scream of grief that tore from his throat vigorously, releasing a stream of translucent bubbles. She swam over to him and hugged him, comforting him. She released him after a moment and moved back to the centre of the room. Legolas swam forward next. "Legolas Thranduillion." "Thranduillion, it disturbs you to know that you are one of the last of your kind." She spoke softly and came forward to hug him as well. Legolas embraced the small girl awkwardly. Then she swam back. She continued this process until she finished with everyone and was on to Gandalf. "Gandalf the White. I know of you. Last of the Istari. You mourn all who you were unable to save, such as your fellow Wizard Radagast who fell at the hands of an Orc ambush and had no funeral. Or Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee who were tortured into insanity and murdered because they had no more use to Sauron." She embraced him the longest, "You may mourn now, but it does not do to dwell in the past." Gandalf nodded and held her close to him. She swam back to the middle of the room and addressed everyone, "It is safe for us to return to shore, but tell me why do you need my assistance?" Gandalf swam forward, "We require your aid in defeating Sauron, My Lady." Her eyes gleamed with sudden anger, "Gandalf, I told you I will never participate in war! You very well knew that coming down here and came to try and convince me!" She screeched, "I have lived in peace, beneath the waves of the Great Sea because death horrifies me! Did you know that I have made myself immortal just so I would not die?! I would guess not! Nobody knows me, only you all know how to get down here! Do you know long I have been waiting for something to happen? Since the fall of Isildur!" She was breathing heavily by the end of her exclamation. Legolas then asked calmly, "How old are you, Nali?" She turned towards him, "Over 13000 years old, Thranduillion." She calmed herself, "Although something must be done about the evil that plagues this land. I, Nali Petunia Orvinne will join you in this war once and only once." Gandalf nodded and they set out toward the shore once more.

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