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It was just another day in the unhealthy body the cells all got used to by now. Everyone was working really hard to meet the quotas and if they happened to be free from the grip of the overwhelming workload, they tried their best to survive. These two cells however, decided to take a moment to appreciate eachother's company instead.

"I totally forgot how good sitting feels like," said SS1104 sitting down on a bench.

"I agree with you," DA4901 responded, "It's like heaven's blessing in these conditions."

The white haired red blood cell just nodded and spread on the bench, taking up all the remaining space.

"Hey! Won't you leave a little space for me?" said DA4901 jokingly.

"Only in your dreams!" laughed SS1104.
"Then I might as well fall asleep on your lap"

"Take a seat, it's pretty comfortable!" said SS1104 while slapping his thigh with one of his hands.

They both laughed a little on this before going silent. They both zoned out pretty soon. Staring into the unknown and thinking about all the good things they wish would happen, they found themselves on the verge of falling asleep. Before that would've happened though, a rookie cell in front of them fell, waking both of them up from their half drowsy state. The newbie cell's senpai has already helped him up by the time they regained full consciousness of what was happening around them.

"Damn.. I almost fell asleep..," said SS1104 while rubbing his face.

"Same.. if it weren't for that rookie I would be sleeping right now," said DA4901 between yawns.

SS1104 groaned and crossed his arms. The dark haired red blood cell lay his back on the bench and started staring at his colleagues as they ran around with one or two O2 boxes in their hands. His companion looked at him for a while, which he didn't notice but later the other's look slipped on the working blood cells too. They were sitting there, for who knows how long when DA4901 suddenly touched the freckled red blood cells shoulders with concern.

"Are you doing alright?" he asked.

"Hm? Me?" asked SS1104 back. This took him by surprise as he was zoning out, thinking about the very person who just spoke to him "Well.. yes.. I could say I do.. I'm still just a little.. somnolent."

"Oh alright then..," the dark haired responded, "I thought you were sick. Your face is really red."

"It is?" the white haired suddenly jumped, "Oh well.. I certainly don't know the reason to that though."

"Hm.. I'm gonna get you some glucose, okay? That will cool you down. It's a pretty hot day after all," said DA4901.

"Oh! Yes! That would be nice.. thank you," SS1104 responded.

His companion then stood up and left in search for some glucose. Since the body had diabetes it was either really easy or really hard to find the sweet stuff. Today was one of these days in particular, where there wasn't too high levels of blood sugar. As he was gone SS1104 started thinking about the things he zoned out about.

"Damn.. thank goodness no one is telepathic in here. That would have been disastrous," he thought.

"He probably would've thought I'm disgusting and would've stopped being friends with me or he would've tried to hide his disgust and he would've slowly faded away," he kept thinking about things like this up until the point he was sure he's going to cry.
Then DA4901 showed up with two glucose cones in his hand.

"It was so goddamn hard to find glucose right now. Of course on all the other days we can barely even carry it anymore," said the erythrocyte with an unamused tone, "either way, I decided to buy your favourite one! Here!"
The dark haired one then handed over the sugar to his friend.

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