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Wilbur's laughter was something magical. Whenever that joyous sound escaped his lips, it was like the entire universe was smiling with him. The whole room seemed to brighten at the noise, and anyone in the vicinity couldn't help but grin as well. That was the atmosphere I found myself in during dinner, seated between Wilbur and Melanie, Ranboo's wife. Ranboo himself was seated at Callista's right hand, leaving the well-tempered Melanie down by me, trying to get her child to eat the potatoes on her plate.

"Come now, Calliope. Just a little more left," Melanie cooed to the toddler sitting in her lap, who adamantly refused to accept the spoon in front of her face. Ranboo glanced over at her with a look of pure admiration and devotion.

"Miss Lorelai, how are you liking the meal?" Technoblade asked me, his monotone voice carrying very well in the large room. I looked down at my plate, finding it woefully untouched. All of the food was just too much and too rich for me. I missed my crackers and fish.

"It's very good, Your Highness," I said softly, feeling his blood-red eyes on me. Melanie reached over and gently rubbed my arm, comforting me. The conversation resumed around me.

"When I met Techno and Callista the first time, I was scared out of my boots," she whispered, a knowing smile on her face. "Rest assured, anyone who makes their princes happy, makes them happy too."

"They're all related?"

"Wil and Tommy are blood-related. Phil adopted Tubbo and Techno, but they all act like brothers. So yes, kind of." She laughed softly, turning her attention to the child on her lap. Suddenly, the child turned and stared at me, her striking violet eyes catching me off guard.

"Hi." Said the child, surprisingly articulate for her age.

"Hi," I said back, and then she turned back to the food on her mother's plate. Melanie smiled apologetically before admonishing Tommy for throwing food at Tubbo.

I reached up and tugged slightly on Wilbur's sleeve, only to get his attention. Immediately he leaned his head down to hear what I had to say. "It's too loud. Am I allowed to leave?" I asked, barely a whisper. In response, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"Five more minutes, okay? And then we can go," he whispered, his golden eyes searching mine, a glimmer of concern growing behind that perfect chocolate sheen. I nodded, and a small warm smile danced across his lips.

Those last five minutes flew by, but whether it was because of my anticipation, or the constant sensation of his hand on my skin, I will never know. I shuddered as I realized just how cold I was without him.

We were nearing his room. "I'll see you in the morning," he said, hiding something behind his indifferent tone. I could tell; he never sounded that forced. Some small part of my heart longed for his company, a feeling I was not accustomed to.

"Would it be wrong for me to stay in your room for a little while?" I asked, and his eyes immediately swung to mine. "My room's awfully... cold," I lied, fumbling for an excuse to be close to him.

He cleared his throat, and a pink tinge dusted his cheeks and nose. "No, I think that would be alright," he answered, and his voice already sounded less stressed. He opened the door for me, and I stepped in, trying to feign comfort and confidence. He strode past me and sat down in his armchair, and I gently sat myself on the couch next to him. There was already a small fire burning in the hearth.

"That dress looks really nice on you. It's very flattering," he said quietly, and when I glanced over at him, I found him looking at me with the softest eyes I had ever seen. Almost self consciously I tucked my legs up underneath myself, effectively shrinking to half my former size.

Amphitrite - Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now