Chapter 13 - Confrontation

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Chapter 13 - Confrontation

Mason didn't sit by me at lunch that day. None of my friends did. I guess I can't blame them for being angry, them thinking that I cheated on Mason with Jace. But what they did to me was much worse.

They lied to me, manipulated me into believing that they were normal. As my Spanish teacher would say, dicen mentiras. I can't say if I'll ever forgive them for what they did, but for now, I sit with Jace in the cafeteria. For some reason, he's been slightly less intolerable lately.

We're seated across from each other at our own table. I take a sip out of my water bottle and my mouth is met with a salty taste. I spit it out almost immediately.

"WHAT THE FUCK JACE?" I practically scream. My tongue burned from all of the salt in my water.

He held a sly grin. What a little motherfucker. "Do you remember that one time, when you thought it would be funny to do the same exact thing to me?"

"Revenge, that's what this was?" I exclaim.

"They say revenge is best served sweet, but I prefer it salty."

I don't bother replying, and immediately take back what I said about him being less intolerable than usual.

I simply stick up my middle finger, and get up to dispose my salty water.

I don't make it to the trash can before I can hear a splat! I look around to see where the noise came from, but instead find all eyes on me. Just about everyone in the cafeteria is staring in my direction with wide eyes. It takes me a moment to realize that it is me they're looking at. Slowly, cautiously, my pupils travel downward, and I spot it. A huge red stain, resting on my shirt. One of Mason's friends stands beside me with a slight smirk on his face.

"You've got a little something on your shirt." He stated the obvious.

I feel my nostrils flare in anger. I consider punching him square in the face, but I decide not to. I'm way too embarrassed, anyway.

The students in the cafeteria watch in anticipation, waiting to see what I'll do next. I, the ballsy girl who won't take crap from anyone, stay silent. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nicole pull out an iPhone and snap a pic. But for once, I really don't care. I leave the lunch room without a word.

Except that I didn't just leave the lunch room. I left the school itself. From the second I stepped past the cafeteria doors, I stormed through the halls and flicked off almost every classroom I walked by. I'm mad, but not at the recent events. I am angry at the fact that my whole life up until now was a lie. One of the several security guards posted around our school tried to stop me from exiting the building, but I shoved through him as well. 

When I walk out of the building, a bit of my rage subsides. It isn't long before I realize that I don't have a car. I rode with Jace to school.

I'm not about to walk back into the school in shame, not after the huge scene I just caused. I decide to walk home.

Little did I know that a five minute car ride does not equal a five minute walk. No, it means 30 minutes on my feet.

I'm halfway to my house when a familiar car pulls up next to me. One of the tinted windows rolls down and reveals my brother, Jared. "Get in, drama queen."

I'm about to object when I realize that he was part of the big lie that is my life. Instead, I shut my mouth and walk away, stubbornly. I can hear the engine advance in my direction as I'm storming off, but I don't stop. "Just get in, Sierra!"

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