Earl Grey

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To My Dearest, Margaret 'Peggy' Carter

It's so cold. I can't feel anything, not the tips of my toes nor the top on my head. I'm conscious to an extent I know time moves on without me. And so do you.

I sometimes wonder if you're still out there. If some how, some way, you were frozen up like me. Waiting to be defrosted like meat for supper. And if you were by chance frozen like me, somehow, I wouldn't want you to be thawed, because if you were than I'd be sent after you again.

I'd be sent to kill you, fully equipped with all the latest brainwashing science crammed into my head. We'd fight and fight and fight, just as we did then.

It'd be different this time. Now I know your weaknesses, not just your combat oriented one's though. But the other ones to; a nice book on a cloudy day, a good old fashioned earl-grey, no milk, one lump of sugar, just a bit of wisky mixed in, And me. I was a weakness of yours once upon a time. But I'd rather not think of it.

I don't want to hurt people anymore. I used to think it was for the grater good. It's what they told me, what I was convinced of on just about every mission before 1963. But i thought that somthing anything good would come from it. All the missions, that I just had to justify in my head as being a way of helping people.

Dose the cause realy justify the means when it's life and death. Not just death, but murder in cold blood. Blood that's on my hands now.

I hope to see you again, and that next time, I won't try and kill you.

Much Love,
Dottie Underwood ♡


As the frost around her heated into water. The feeling in her body came back but she was still cold, but able to tell her hands from her nose from her feet.

The process of being taken out of chriofreeze is annoying for all parties involved, not the least of witch being the poor soal who was frozen.

First step is to slowly melt the ice around the subject.

Then once all exterior ice is melted the subject must be checked for any signs of frost bite, hypothermia excetera.

The vitals of any subject are to be monitored extensively throughout the remainder of the thawing process.

Once checked for any damage possibly caused by low temperatures, the subject is to be kept in a warm place no cooler than 72 degrees fahrenheit and left till they wake up.

"Dorothy Underwood?"

A voice sounded as Dottie layed on the stiff mattress. "Speaking." The echo in the room made her head shake, even with it still on the pillow.

"Hello, are you ready to comply?"

She sat up slowly and looked at the man speaking only to realize that she was shackled to the bed.

Dottie struggled agents the restraints "No-no-no not this not this-". As she was thrashing around a doctor walked over and gave her a sedative that quickly knocked her out.

After time had passed she was up right. Held by straps on her arms, legs, head and waste; with a gag in her mouth that stopped her from speaking.

As she began to look around she her a voice this one different from the last. "Relax Ms. Underwood. Try not to move. I'm deeply sorry for what'saboutto happen"

The voice was overwhelmingly calm but nonetheless instilled a sence of horror. "This is going to hurt. But it will only last a minute."

As the invention moved and closed her in, she took a deep breath through her nose.

To My Dearest - A carterwood one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now