Chapter 3 A heated encounter

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Jessica was at my house before I could even prepare myself. I jump up when I hear a loud knocking on my front door.

When I open the door she rushes past me, and heads straight into my room. I close the door and place my forehead against it. I am so not ready for this. Maybe if I stay here pressed up against the door she won't notice...

She noticed.

She shoves me onto my bed and then narrows her brows, looking me up and down as if she's trying to solve the world's most difficult puzzle, "This is going to be a challenge."

I groan and let myself fall back onto the covers, "I think I'm just going to stay in, you go have fun without me."

Jessica grabs onto my hands and drags me back up. "Tonight I am taking you out, and you're going to enjoy yourself for once! Come on, I need a friend tonight. Please.."

She gives me a dramatic pout, and I can't help but laugh.

"Okay, fine! You win. Hand me the black dress hanging up in the closet." There is honestly no arguing with her at this point, and I don't have the energy to try. Instead of handing me my dress, she pulls me up standing and shoves me down in front of my vanity.

She grabs the giant purse she brought with her, and pulls a small cosmetic bag out of it, along with a straightener. She removes the small mirror off of the vanity, and sets it on the floor, making me nervous.

"You know, I can get myself ready." I'm honestly terrified of what she will do to me. I imagine when she's through, staring into the mirror and seeing a drag queen looking back at me.

She shushes me, ignoring my protests and begins working. About half way though, I try and peek at myself and she scolds me. "You can't see yourself until the end!"

I pout and slouch in the seat, earning myself a pinch on the arm. I wince and sit up as straight as I can. She sticks her tongue out at me, and I roll my eyes.


By the time Jessica finishes, my head is sore from all the pulling, and my eyelashes feel heavier then usual. I blink a couple times trying to get use to the feeling of the makeup on my face. Jessica then throws me the short, black dress hanging in my closet. I slip it on quickly, feeling anxious to see myself.

Jessica walks me over to the full length mirror grinning. I brace myself for what I'm about to see, and when I do, my eyes grow wide. The girl in the reflection looks... beautiful. She looks like me, but a sexier and put together version.

My long hair is no longer wavy and frizzy, but sleek and shiny. I didn't realize how long my hair had gotten. I lean in closer, and study my face. My light eyes sparkle against the subtle smoky eye and i'm impressed by winged liner. I smile because I look and feel beautiful. I even feel a little sexy for once. I turn to look at Jessica smiling, and she nods approvingly.

"I am such a talented person."

I grin wider at her and turn back to the mirror, "Wow... I-I don't know what to say Jess! I feel really beautiful right now, thanks to you."

Jessica stands behind me and squeezes my shoulders softly. "Girl, you need more confidence! You don't see how beautiful you truly are. I did nothing but amplify your features."

I bite my lip and turn quickly pulling her into a hug. Startled at my reaction she makes a small noise of surprise, but then wraps her arms around me. Jessica is the greatest friend I could've ever asked for. I honestly don't know what I would do without her as my friend.

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