Okay. Now this is one that I have often ranted about with my parents. An article dated for March of 2021 states that, since 2018, there have been 92 school shootings [1]. Another dated for May 2022 states that, at the time of the article, 27 school shooting had occurred within the US [2]. These numbers are pretty shocking, considering that schools are filled with children between the ages of 5 and 18. What's even more shocking is the fact that nothing has been done to fix this problem. Yes, I know that many American's will tell you that the right to carry a firearm is part of the constitution, that is is their right, yadda yadda. However, I'd like to let you all in on a little secret:
The right to bear arms is an AMENDMENT to the constitution. It was added on, therefore it can be taken off. What's more, it was added on in a time where a firearm took five minutes to load and fire and slaves outnumbered freemen ten to one.
Good, know that we've gotten that cleared up, I'd like to tell you a story.
Once upon a time in a funny place called Australia the citizens were allowed to own, use and carry guns. In fact, the ideal of using a weapon was installed into children with BB-guns. However, that all changed on the 28th of April 1996. On this day in Port Arthur, Tasmania, 29 year old Martin Bryant opened fire on a group of tourists. Ordinary people like you and me, just going about their business. 35 people were killed and another 23 were injured. The youngest victims being siblings at 3 and 6 years of age. Please consult the below graph:
So, what did Australia do? It's simple, strict gun laws were put in place. Thousands of guns were handed in and confiscated. Thousands of guns were incinerated. It took the death of 35 people to invoke this change, yet hundreds of people are dying in America from gun violence. The youngest school shooting occurred when a six year old shot a fellow classmate. What needs to happen for Americans to realise that their view of guns is detrimental to their country?
[1] https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2021/03
[2] https://www.npr.org/2022/05/24/1101050970/2022-school-shootings-so-far
The Great Debate
No FicciónSometime we just need to vent. This all started when I finished watching the movie FURY. Haven't seen it, is you are over 15, I recommend. But, anyways, I need to get my opinion on different things out there. If you have a different opinion, speak u...