Chapter 175 (END)

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Chapter 175: The Finale

There were already five Fleet Dormitories now, and most rooms were bought by the fishermen.

The seafood of Fish Cabin County was sold everywhere, and the fishermen all made a decent amount of money from it. To the fishermen, three taels of silver was nothing.

Some of them had even invested properties in town.

This fishermen’s dormitory was closer to work. Although some of them had invested properties somewhere else, they were still living in the dormitory.

The fishermen would always hold gatherings to talk about work and to promote friendships.

They would always go to the restaurants in town for the gatherings, and their favorite was still the buffet restaurant.

“Zhou An, I heard that your wife is working at the fancy restaurant now?”

Zhou An nodded, “Yeah, he is loving it!”

“I heard that restaurant was very pricy, the average price for a dish is like 30 cents or so!”

Zhou An nodded and said, “Although it’s expensive, there are still many customers.”

“It is said that there are a lot of young masters from the capital city frequenting the restaurant.”

Zhou An nodded and said, “Yeah! Second Master Chen said that young masters from the capital city don’t mind spending money as long as the restaurant has a good atmosphere and vibe. And don’t ask me what a vibe is.”

“These people like to have their meals in the restaurant, then they will hop on the tourist boats for some sea breezes. Do you know that the boat ticket is sold for one tale of silver?”

“So expensive, and people are still paying for that?”

“The tourist boats might not be practical for fishing, but they are very beautiful, so yeah, they are very popular among the tourists.”


Time passed by quickly, Lu Lin’s fleet and seafood center both had grown over the past three years, and soon it marked Lu Lin’s first tenure in Fish Cabin County, and Lu Lin chose to retain his post.

Knowing that Lu Lin chose to stay for one more tenure, the people in Fish Cabin County were very happy.

The members held a celebration for Lu Lin after they found out that Lu Lin was staying for three more years.

Lu Lin found that the public seemed to approve of him. He felt fully satisfied and contented that the public all spoke highly of him.

Yuan Bao was a teenager now, he had been helping out in Chen Xiao Cai’s restaurants, and now he was able to work independently.

Lu Lin sent Dash to school. Dash always got good results, everything seemed to be on the right track.

Yuan Bao stood on the boat, he looked at the waves and he was fired with boundless enthusiasm in the heart.

Over the past few years, Yuan Bao had done a few successful businesses, and he loved ocean carriage business the best, he was no stranger to going to the sea.

Yuan Ba was as fierce as Chen Xiao Mi. The people in the fleet initially looked down on this boy, but as time went by, they started to admire this valiant fighter.


The fisherman’s dormitory.

“Old Li, you’ve bought a house!” A fisherman asked the fisherman surnamed Li.

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