Chapter 7

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Is it just me or is Aaminah getting fat Yin asked, no I see it as well but I don't think it's that Aidana responded to her twin brother's comment about their sister, why down you tackle her to get answers Antonio said jokingly, the twins considered the idea they knew Antonio was joking when he said that even Lunar was considering the idea and then went into passive state to be fair it was cold and panda's don't like the cold. What do you want from me Aaminah said to Yin and Aidana that were walking towards her, We just wanted to go on a walk with you Yin said acting cute and innocent, fine I'll go with you Aaminah said, so did sub great beasts have talismans like great beasts Aidana asked, they didn't have talismans they had keys instead but they were destroyed when the crystal tree was shattered Aaminah responded, so did you ever see Griffin's key and speaking of that bird where is he Yin asked, Aaminah showed Griffins tattoo on her arm and said yes I did but I can't really remember how it looks like due all the keys being destroyed at the same time and that was before you 2 were born, Aidana hugged Aaminah which surprised her then Aidana felt a kick from Aaminah stomach, care to explain why I felt a kick from your stomach Aidana asked, fine I am 22 weeks pregnant Aaminah said, why didn't you tell us Yin asked, I wonder why Alister came and said in a sarcastic tone, so that's why you have been so over protective over Aaminah you're the father Yin said, I think you're missing the point Yin Aidana said, the reason we didn't tell you is because you will take advantage of that information Aaminah said. Why would you think that Antonio said coming out of nowhere, first of all how did you sneak up on us and you been trying to take advantage for 7 weeks now and all the ways you tried failed so that's why Alister responded, do Faye and Raul know Yin asked, yes they do Aaminah responded.

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