chapter 11: Cuts and Blood

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Y/n POV:
I quickly wrap myself up in my jacket. God that was so embarrassing..he just saw me in my bra. Once I finished wrapping myself up he looked back at me. "So who did that to you?" He finds a box and brings it next to me so he can sit beside me. "My mom did this to me because my dad is in jail. I wanted to tell you that both of my parents hurt me. But I didn't have the chance to."

His eye widens. "Well you can't go back there" he looks at his phone. "It's 2:34 in the morning and the hokage is sleeping. So why don't you come over to my house okay?" He smiles and I turn bright red. God I need to get my mind out of the gutter...I'm 14 and he is way over my age. "Okay" I say to him nervously.

Time skip they made it to kakashi's house

We walk over to his couch and he sets me down on the couch. He walks over to what seems to be his bathroom and he comes back out with a medkit. "Take off that jacket y/n" he sits down next to me and looks at all my scars on my body.
Kakashi POV:
I look at all of her scars. God I feel so bad for her. She looks away and I start to tend to a cut on her arm. She flinches and looks at me. "Oh I'm sorry do you want to do it?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. "Okay" I say to her and start to help her with the cuts on her back. Finally after finishing cleaning the cuts and blood I keep looking around her. She is still super red

Huh she is a odd girl. I look down to her chest area to see if any cuts were there and I was correct. There were quite a few of them...God I don't know if I should do this. She realizes we're I'm staring at and she immediately tries to cover herself. She seems to be red of embarrassment. I quickly look away. "You have cuts there y/n that's why I was looking there if you were wondering.". This is making me uncomfortable......

"Do you want me to help you with the cuts or?" God what am I saying I shouldn't help her with cuts there. She looks at me with wide eyes and then looks at the ground and shakes her head yes. Great....
Y/n POV:
God why did I say yes?...but still- no this isn't appropriate for something a sensei and student. God I need to keep my mind out the gutter. It's not like he'll touch me inappropriately he is just gonna help with my cuts. He starts to clean my cuts. I flinch a little and it startled him dropping the bandage in my bra

God this is so embarrassing..He looks away turning red and I do the same. "Are you gonna get that?" He asks and I get the bandage out of my bra. He looks back and finishes the last cut. "Okay I'll be right back." He says going into a room. He comes back out with some clothes.

"Here you can wear these. Your clothes that your wearing right now doesn't seem so comfortable. You can go get dressed in my bathroom." He says pointing to the bathroom.

"Okay" I start walking to the bathroom. He is letting me wear some of his clothes. I enter the bathroom and then turn completely red when reality hits me. He is letting me spend the night here and I can wear his clothes? I smile and get dressed. I get dressed. Hmm these clothes are pretty big on me but oh well.

I walk out the bathroom and see kakashi setting up his couch for me. The couch had blankets and pillows on it. "Here y/n you can sleep here tonight okay.?" He says smiling. I nod my head and walk to the couch. "We can figure something out tomorrow." He says to me. He turns off the lights and headed to his room.

I lay down and as soon as my head hit the pillow it smelled like kakashi. I fell asleep very well that night.

Forgive me.. Kakashi x Y/N 🍋Where stories live. Discover now