--The Beggining--

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-- Ah yes, you seen this is really the beginning, very normal here right? well not anymore it's i! the writer of this story will make this unhappy than those stories :) --

|| Gabriel was walking down to the streets to meet Shaan [Aka Six but human and heard some weird noises on that abandoned house ||

Gabriel: " What the f33k was that!?, ..... Maybe it's just.. a ... uhhh imagination.. i guess? I'll go keep going, i cannot be late! " *As Gabriel runs as fast as he could*

|| 12 mins later.. ||

Shaan: " Man, Where is even Gabriel? "

Gabriel: " Sorry! "

Shaan: " Gabes! what took you so long?? "

Gabriel: " I just heard something, i was so rushed! "

Shaan: " Oohh, Alright now come in, what ya'll waiting for? "

|| Gabriel and Shaan went inside to the house and just started chatting about things they do which is enjoyable. ||

Gabriel: " Man, that was fun chatting, welp i'm gonna go home now, see you tommorrow! "

Shaan " See ya tommorrow too! " *As Shaan waves at Gabriel and Gabriel waves back at Shaan*

Gabriel: hmm... i wonder if it's a good idea if i go back to that weird freak house that i have seen before... Alright i think i should go in there, what could go possibly wrong? 

|| Gabriel walking to the streets until he finally see the house where the sound came from and goes in the house||

Gabriel: " wow.. it stinks here.. "

???: " I'm sorry.. what "

|| Gabriel slowly looks behind ||

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|| Gabriel slowly looks behind ||

???: "  ... I see we have an intruder is this house but hey! It's too dangerous to be here! "

Gabriel: " uhmm.. Who are you and.. no i'll rather keep exploring. "

???: " I am Sarah H. , NOW GET OUT. "

|| Gabriel haven't listened Sarah and began to continue exploring the house and ignored the warning ||

Sarah H. : " .. F33k. "

Gabriel: " psshhh, they're totally pulling a prank and this is not even halloween, so childish- "

|| A hole randomly appeared on Gabriel and falls into the hole, Gabriel began to scream and he landed down on a bush ||

--Bruh i'll continue this bitch story soon --

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