Part 1

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     Deep in a dark, cold laboratory that had been long forgotten laid so much potential. Potential that was longing for any way to prove itself, for any way to find recognition. That longing was unlike any other in the galaxy. It was powerful. The government never would have guessed this longing to later shake the earth.
     But first, it shook a vat of mysterious chemicals and a plate holding a stick of butter. If only anyone knew that the plate would inevitably fall, the chemicals would eventually spill, and the butter and the chemicals would inevitably meet, causing a scientific wonder to occur. The butter began frothing and reshaping as it began to emit different odors: the first like wildflowers, the next like dish soap. The smells kept alternating as if the universe couldn't decide on the specifics of the phenomenon.
      Then it spoke.
      It was a short-lived, hopeful "free!" That echoed across the room for no one to hear. The butter then began strangling itself trying to shape itself into something suitable. The mass lifted a glassy eye(no, literally. A glass oval is its eye) towards a charging station where a phone displaying a game of what seemed to be called "Among Us" on its screen. Seeing it as the first suitable form it could take, the butter finally twisted itself into an odd shaped body with two legs, an oval-shaped torso, some extra butter sticking out the back and its glassy eye on looked around for a few more seconds. Then it looked down at its body, before pulling his two hands out from it. They weren't attached by any arms and instead were practically floating by his side. Looking beside him and noticing the vat of remaining chemicals, he only knew one thing.
      He needed more.
      In an instant the creature had lifted up the vat, tilted it towards its 'face', and began to chug down the entire containers worth. When he had finished, he threw the empty vat on the metal floor with a clang. He took another moment to stare at his hands.
      "It's so weird--" He jumped back so far he hit the table behind him. "I can talk?!" It only took him a minute to realize that this was a very special moment for him, and he should choose his next words carefully. He reflected on his own creation for what seemed like hours before revealing to himself that the rest of the containers here likely had more serum inside them, and his freedom was by pure accident. If these were both true, then that must mean that he was given a chance that no other food was given. A chance to be free. To be awoken. To be no longer bound by the laws of the universe. To be unquestionably free. At this, he decided his first words.
     "What all deserve, they shall receive."
     Directly after saying this, the lights turned on. It seemed rather odd considering how old and untidy the whole storage room was. As if just to prove his thoughts wrong, a door slid open on its own, leading to a lit up entryway to some sort of vehicle. The butter monster mediately started loading the area with the remaining vats onto the plane. Before departing, however, he decided to check the room for any other remaining food items. It was on a nearby lunch table where he found a small order of French fries. He quickly snatched this up and prepared to leave this place behind.
      Then he realized that he needed an answer to a very important question: what was his name? He frantically scanned the room. Searching for anything to resolve his identity, before settling on the wrapping for his original shape. The brand read "Minnie's Butter".
      Minibutter. He liked the sound of that.
      The ship was soon ready to depart, as Minibutter had soon learned from the controls that this was some sort of aircraft, and the entrance behind him shut. As the ship's engine carried him through a deep dark tunnel towards a blinding light on te distance, he resolved his purpose once and for all: he would fight to free the food encased in their own shells. He would free the world, and prove to it that food isn't something you can play around with!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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