Chapter 2: The Train

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Chapter 2: The Train

Shadow's PoV


September First

Finally: the first of Septenber had arrived. I wasn't even sure if Harry got my letter, but I was hopeful. So hopeful that I actually wore what I said I would: a cute and short black dress (image of dress on side) and black leggings with tall and spiky high-heeled boots. I had a snake necklace, snake bracelet and snake earrings on. In my opinion, I looked gorgeous. But since Harry was a Gryffindor, I don't think he'd approve. Especially of all the snakes.

I got on the train extra early -- at 10:00 in the morning, actually. I was in the last compartment, waiting until he boarded.

At around 10:30, a man with brown hair, blue eyes and shabby robes came to the compartment.

"Hello," he said, "Mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all, sir." He smiled and put his suitcase on the railing.

"My name is Remus, Remus Lupin. I'm the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"I'm Shadow, Shadow Potter."

"You mean as in Harry, Lily and James Potter?" I nodded and he visibly paled.

"Harry is my twin brother."

"But how?" He looked thoroughly confused.

"You probably know me as Shaylee, but I changed my name. I've been hidden from other witches and wizards since Voldemort doesn't know about me, and Mum and Dad intended for it to stay that way. I would be a main target for Dark Wizards because my power is greater than Harry's."

"Woah, wait a minute... You're Remus Lupin?!?" He nodded. "I remember you! You were always there with Uncle Padfoot! Oh, and don't worry, your Furry Little Problem shall not leak from my mouth." I smirked.

"You make it sound like I have a rabbit with... problems." He muttered. "Well, I'm taking a nap. Wake me when the trolley comes!" He then moved over to the corner and started snoring.


Harry's PoV


"Uh, guys I've got to meet up with someone..." I really had to go meet Shay--Shadow.

"Okay, let's go!" Hermione chirped, but they didn't understand.

"Well, I, erm... kinda wanted to go alone."

"Oh, Harry, you're pale and you're shaking like there's no tomorrow. We're coming whether you like it or not!" She commanded. "Come on, Ronald!" I sighed and boarded the train, walking to the very, very back.

There sat a girl who was, as said in the letter, wearing black and snake jewelry. I knocked.

She looked up and smiled, beckoning for us to come in.

"Hello, Harry!" She seemed excited and full of energy. "I'm going to guess that you know who I am. And you must be Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger!" She directed the last part to Ron and Mione.

Hermione nodded stiffly and Ron waved slightly.

"So, Shade, let's get down to business."

"Okay, ask away!"

"Where have you been all this time?" She sighed.

"I'm a Shadow. I am nowhere and everywhere. I am Dark and Light. I never am in only one place. I have spies everywhere, and am in multiple places all at one time. I am the monster in your closet, the angel in your dream. I am everything and nothing at the same time. I am quick as Death and slow as Life. I am Shadow."

Hermione looked at her suspiciously and Ron scoffed.

"You didn't answer my question, Shaylee."

"Don't call me Shaylee." She looked furious. "And I just said, I am everywhere and nowhere. I know your deepest, darkest secrets. I know everything and nothing. I am Magic, Squib, Muggle, Creature... I am everyone. I am basically Death. Everyone knows me, yet nobody does. I am nowhere. I am everywhere."

"Well, I have a very interesting sister..." I said as she smirked.

"This is your sister?" Ron asked bluntly (and quite rudely as well).

"Yes, Ron, she's my sister. And, now, simpler question: tell me about yourself."

"My favorite color is purple and I love dogs and wolves, yet my favorite animal is a snake. I either want to be Gryffiindor or Slytherin. Either one, really. I'm a metamorphmagus and elementalist. I hate fake people, especially since I can just read people like a book. I can do wandless and nonverbal magic and many other things. I changed my name from Shaylee Jamarea Potter to Shadow Darkness Potter."

"I have a few questions," said Hermione. Shade nodded and Hermione started.

"Can you show us your powers?" Shade nodded again and said, "As I don't have a wand, nonverbal and wandless should be easy." We gaped at her. She didn't have a wand?

She raised her hand and a miniature guitar appeared in her palm. Then, she stared at it, almost willing it to do something.

Right in front of our eyes, the guitar grew and grew until it was the full size.

"Wow..." Even Mione was astonished!

"Metamorphmagus or Elemantist powers first?"

"Elementalist." I said at once, curious as to what my sister could do.

She smiled and closed her eyes. The room temperature slowly rose, as if it was summer. Then a rock appeared in the middle of the room and slowly started dissolving, until it was a small pile of sand.

It started duplicating and being smoothed out --- probably by wind she was producing. The room expanded, becoming about the size of five of Dudley's bedrooms. Let's just say that it was really big.

Water washed up, creating a little pool of water, kind of like the ocean. It told up about 1/5 of the room.

Then, a ball of fire rose up to the far-left corner of the room.

"Who wants to have a beach party?" We smiled. She snapped her fingers and we all ended up in our bathing suits. She woke up the man in the corner (who I didn't notice) and informed him of our party.

And we spent the next hour just having fun. She changed her appearance multiples times with her Metamorphmagus powers. And let me tell you, having family is fun.

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