Something in The Water.

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Waking up the next morning, Bronnie felt like the driest raisin in the sun. Her head was pounding, her stomach was hurting, and she felt weak in her body. It was very early in the morning and she knew that everyone was still sleep. Waking up early was habitual for her.

She showered up real good and redid her edges on her wig before picking something to lounge in. She very gently brushed her teeth, not wanting to stick her toothbrush too far so she won't gag. She packed her journal, or as she call it her 'healing journal' and grabbed it from the suitcase.

She walked downstairs and sat on the beach and did a reflection. On her lone dates, she'll take her journal with her but she hasn't been writing in it—just eating. She'll start to write but then she'll get nervous. She was afraid of what she was going to say about herself.

Its different when you do a self reflection on yourself. You can be honest with yourself, you can cuss yourself out for acting out in the way that you did, or how people have treated you and what you've allowed. Self reflection is brutal, and though Bronze is very self critical of herself consciously, she wasn't ready to be brutally honest with herself yet.

At the beach, Bronnie took a baby step. She named one thing that she allowed and also named one thing that could've been avoided. Both of them led to a painful memory.

"I can't believe you allowed that shit to fly," She mumbled to herself. The situation she was writing about was pure advantage, but never again. She learned her lesson the first time.

She wrote on the beach for at least 2 hours. It was calming to say the least, and besides, the water was talking to her. All majestic and shit.

By the time she was done, she walked on the beach for a little bit before walking back into the house. She needed something on her stomach so she went into the refrigerator and seen what she bought. She brought mostly breakfast foods so she pulled that out and got to cooking.

30 minutes into her cooking, she heard the floors creak, indicating that someone was awoke. She didn't give it much attention so she went back to cooking which was banana and cinnamon pancakes and vegan sausage (Moe's doing, not hers.)

She began plating food and more floor creaks were to be heard. Now, the whole house was up. They smelt the food first and then acknowledged Bronnie.

"Smells good," Kamara's mouth watered, looking at the food that Bronnie was plating.

Bronnie couldn't just cook for herself and not for anyone else, despite what transpired yesterday. Though they were cool, she was reminded of the conversation that they had about the grocery store. A bitch didn't want to go but a bitch wanna eat.

Everyone was still pretty much hung over but that was a given. Everybody looked like they were suffering.

"Thank you B, this looks good," Bluey thanked her, actually glad that she did go to the grocery store. She was gonna be a sick starving sistah if Bronnie hadn't. Out of nowhere, while eating, she recognized that yesterday she was truly being a bitch.

"Thanks Bronnie," Mayson says, tossing a wink in there and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Thank you," Sparrow sniffled, praying over his food and divulging into his food. He moaned as he chewed on his pancake. "This shit good as hell. Whatchu' put in dese pancakes?"

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