Achilles Heel.

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Bronnie found him sprawled out unconscious. She only went there because she was expecting him to be at her apartment but he wasn't so she checked his and his door was slightly cracked open and unlocked.

She saw his apartment and seen that majority of his things were either packed up or sat aside. She went in search of him and found him on the floor bleeding from his head with mirror shards everywhere.

Bronnie immediately called 911, but when he was admitted, she didn't call his grandmother and notify her. Bronnie knew that he was just there, and she felt like if she tells Ms. Marge about Mosaic's condition, it would only add fuel to the fire. Everyone's emotions were high, and this would be something that Mosaic would never be able to live down.

Unfortunately, when Bronnie told the doctors what she saw, assumingly so, they placed him on a 72hr psych hold. Bronnie didn't agree with that because this could very well be misinterpreted, but they pulled his file and seen that he has a history of mental illness. He also has a history of attempted suicide. That part Bronnie didn't know about.

She didn't even know that psychiatrists track that.

He was still on the hospital side just so that they can monitor him, but once he becomes fully aware of his surroundings, that's when they'll transition him to the psych ward.

When Moe finally wakes up, he notices where he is and begins to panic. Bronnie eased his worries by placing a comforting hand on his thigh.

"It's just me and you. No one knows that you're here, though they might've called your emergency contacts," She told him and he looks down in his lap, thinking about Mammy because she's on his emergency contacts.

Moe remains quiet with his hands tucked under the blanket. Bronnie eyed the gauze that was tightly secured on his forehead and sighed.

"Please don't tell me that you tried to leave me?" Bronnie's voice was soft and tears swelled in her eyes. It was selfish of her to ask that because there was more to life than just her, but she wouldn't be able to deal if he really tried to leave this earth.

"Nah, Theory just got into my head and I let it drive me," He admits, feeling shameful.

"What did she say specifically?" She rubbed his taper, trying to suck up her tears. She feels that this shouldn't be a tearful moment because he was here with her. The 'attempt', even if it wasn't an 'attempt', was not that bad.

"She said that I was wasteful. She threw my depression and suicide attempts in my face and said that if I wanted to off myself, she'd give me the gun with the bullets already inside," He recalled, and Bronnie immediately grew upset.

"And she said all of this for what?!" She whisper-yelled.

"Savior conned her out of her full ride scholarship and she doesn't have enough money to stay on campus neither does she have the money for her tuition. That was what the whole conversation was about."

Bronnie shakes her head, sitting all the way back in the chair away from him. "And knowing you, you gave her the money she asked for? You paid her tuition, didn't you?"

He gave her an answer and she shook her head again. While they were at the Poconos, Moe told her the inner workings of his father's insurance policy and how much they'd got. Of course, he trusted her with the information so he felt comfortable sharing it. Bronnie knew that Theory had gotten a quarter million dollars from their father.

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