A Baby?!? (Dadnoblade & Babyboo)

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Ranboo will be a baby in this Techno didn't go to prison and Dream is in prison

Techno POV:

After a long day of mining I had a pretty successful trip. As I left the mine I saw how late it had gotten and it had to have been 10pm to 11pm. I had been in the mine for hours.

I took my sword out in case of mobs spawning and checked my inventory for the ores I had. I was satisfied with the amount and continued to walk to my cabin in the middle of nowhere.

~an hour later~

I saw my house in the distance when I heard a small noise from my front door. Thinking it was a mob I readied my sword and ran the the sound looking down seeing a basket. Confused I bent down to see the basket carrying a small half and half child he looked half enderman half...something? They were sleeping peacefully. Putting my sword away I sighed quietly seeing a note nearby. 'Must have flown a small bit from the wind.' I thought.
Picking it up I read it:
    'Dear whomever sees this note, with the small baby. Please take care of him. He doesn't have a name. He is only a few weeks old. I promise he's quiet, since he's half enderman he can't touch water please be careful with him he deserves a better life than what I can ever give him. My husband isn't exactly happy about him. At first he was excited to have a baby but he soon changed after he was born seeing him being a half and half "freak" as he called him. I ran away with him before he could hurt him. I can't keep him he'd be found. I had to go back to my husband. Please don't let him get hurt. Tell him his mama loves him...
Mama enderman.'

The note was kind of concerning to me but seeing as I couldn't leave him in the cold outdoors, I grabbed the basket hearing the small baby laugh slightly I took him inside.

I carefully took the small baby out the basket i noticed his eyes hadn't opened just yet, but even then I tried to feed him mashed potato puree, I knew I'd have to get him food that he can eat easier. I gave him small amounts so he wouldn't choke.

~20 minutes later~

He finished the food and giggled. The voices were going crazy about keeping him there are about 1 or 2 saying the 'E' chant many do often. I sighed and picked the small boy who I heard start to snore. I brought him to my room and put the small child in the bed while I slept in the chair. Hoping to not wake him up.

~the next morning~

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Groaning I sat up and looked at the still sleeping baby. 'He is a quiet kid.' I thought to myself. The voices were calling me softnoblade, calling him precious and there was 1 that caught my attention. "What are you gonna name him if he's going to be staying with you when he gets older, (we all now he will still be here) you have to call him something." And few others were also chanting on what to name his 'son'.

3rd POV:
Techno stood there waiting while thinking of names for the small child. "What about..Elliot? No..hmm how about Ranboo?, That seems like an enderman type name." he said aloud not particularly to anyone mainly himself he repeated the name in his head and mumbled it to see how it sounded. He enjoyed the way it sounded. "Protect the blood/ender prince!" One of the voices said many others joined in causing a small headache he told the voices to be quiet for a bit. They sometimes listened they quieted down still with some still speaking loudly. Groaning at their disobedience they often done.

The Pinkette looked over at the half and half baby who was now awake and giggling still not opening his eyes. Ranboo was making slight yet messy grabby hands for the tall pink haired piglin hybrid as he still had his eyes closed. The taller sighed and walked over to the baby who the voices called his son and pat his head picking him up, then climbing down the ladder carrying the small child and walked to the kitchen setting the baby down, feeding him and grabbing his wallet and keys quickly he wrapped up the baby and got  himself dressed. 'That will have to do for now since I don't have baby clothes, this is going to be expensive." He said aloud to no one in particular. Although the pinkette was glad that he wasn't poor, in fact he was quite wealthy seeing as he didn't buy his house, he built it himself. He started his trek to the store inside l'manburg.

Ranboo family oneshots (ft. Dadnoblade, and Dadza)Where stories live. Discover now