Elder Edward

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This is not my original work, I saw a 1 part book a while ago and I wanted to recreate it, although I spent an hour trying to find the original writer, if you find them(or you are them) please either DM me or comment it here I want to give them credit they deserve it, if you do find them please check them out they are better at writing than me and I just adore the idea of it. I will try to change parts so it's not copying if the original writer wants me to delete this I will, as to respect. Other than that, enjoy reading.

3rd pov:

Ranboo was 16, well in human years. He was forced to grow up faster than a normal enderman normally would. Because of his stress he tends to lose control of his enderman side and his powers.

To other enderman he is about 6 years old, he is no where near fully grown, the adults in human years are almost in their 30s when they are considered an adult to their own kind. Ranboo is one of the few known young endermen children, many are slaughtered as they are seemed dangerous to the humans eyes.

Whenever Ranboo is ever outside and an enderman is nearby he hears a wave from the adults, many know who he is although Ranboo's memories don't let him remember the enderman's names but he remember bits and pieces of where he gets the trinkets on his shelf in his little hut behind Technoblade's cabin.

Enderman will always give the younger children trinkets to signify to them that they are safe, it gives them the feeling of safety. The trinkets could be in any shape and size, although it is never anything dangerous so the young don't hurt themselves. The elders are to humans around hundreds of years old although to them they are only 90. The children feel safest around an elder similar to a parent or a grandparent.

Ranboo loves the trinkets because when he plays with them he feels his actual age and can show that he is truly very young. He is young to humans as well but he is considered almost an adult to them. Ranboo likes to act his age but because he is surrounded by humans or hybrids that go by human years or years similar to humans. Crows or avians age difference is only 4 years with humans being younger, piglin being 6 years human being older, goats being 2 years with humans goats are older, demons and ghosts who are immortal have a 100 to a 200 year difference with demons and ghosts being older, foxes being only a year with humans being older. Enderman have a 10 year difference and Ranboo isn't exactly sure of his other side he could be younger than what he is in enderman.

It was a normal Tuesday in December, but Ranboo lives in Snowchester, it is almost always snowing and cold, but today was exponentially colder and a thicker snow and fog. Ranboo was sitting on his already cold stone floor playing with the trinkets he was given earlier that week he was wrapped in his thin blanket he was given by another enderman when he was seen getting cold.

Ranboo's thoughts of his child self being out were cut short when he heard a knock on the door hiding his trinket in his hoodie he wore to bed out in SnowChester and opened the door, blanket still wrapping him.

He opened his door seeing Phil standing there walking to the side he let Phil step inside, shutting the door behind him to not let the small amount of heat the small campfire and slightly over amount of torches, gave off.

"Ah, ehm Heya Phil did you need anything?" Ranboo had asked trying to get out of his childlike mental state, quickly acting. "Nah mate just askin a question." Phil said nonchalantly, it wasn't unusual that he would come in to ask a question or Techno had a chore for him. "O-ok? Ask away." Ranboo said with a smile plastered on his face. "Well because of the storm coming me and techno are going to bring you to the main house until the storm passes cause it's cold out here." Phil said more as an action than a question. Ranboo looked blankly and just nodded not wanting to anger the nice crow. Ranboo just simply being the child he is just followed.

Once they gone inside they saw Techno sitting on the couch near the fireplace where Edward sat drinking a tea expecting them. Edward saw the youngling walk in and felt the need to protect the younger from the people who he considers friends. He sat up and grabbed a small trinket from his small bag and stood up and walked to the child. Holding the trinket out, the action from Edward who usually never got up unless it was dinner had given the new guest a trinket he had, this however didn't surprise Ranboo, instead just made him happy that an elder gave him a trinket to feel safe.

Edward smiled to Ranboo and hugged the smaller, keeping the surprise in Phil and Techno's face Ranboo just hugged back feeling his actual age and safe in the elders arms. Edward fixed the crown upon Ranboo's head and made sure the young prince was keeping his crown same even if he didn't know what it was for.

He was young and didn't understand many things of his own culture, he was forced to know human culture, even if he is (p/) married to a goat hybrid. His memory issues, as Edward knew, did not help him all that much. S'uch a small child he is, to bad he is trapped in a forever state of growing up by humans standards'. Edward thought to himself.

Edward had pulled the young prince close and almost immediately Ranboo fell asleep in Edward's arms, many adult endermen that have met Ranboo believe he should be protected and kept safe from harm. It's how he got the book for his armor for water protection, ma y don't see it as he wears them the most.

Techno and Phil later walked back into the main room where he had left the two endermen only to see an adorable sight of the young teenager sleeping on the full enderman's lap. The two decided it would be best to leave the younger to sleep, techno grabbed a blanket and covered the tall teen.

The three adults simply made sure the stressed teenager slept safely and soundly. They stayed quiet the rest of that night to not disturb the younger.

Wc: 1126

I lost a looot of motivation but I'm getting it back also sorry if the updates are slow, school has been hitting me hard so I'm focusing on that but I will try to update these books as much as I can

Ranboo family oneshots (ft. Dadnoblade, and Dadza)Where stories live. Discover now