You say sorry too much

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Jeremy's pov:

I was walking down the hallway at school going to my next class as I bumped into Jake on accident causing him to drop his books. "Shit! I'm sorry I didn't see you.."

He just smiled at me as we both bent down to grab his books.
"No worries man! Say.. you seem a little out of it tho, you alright?" He asked concern in his voice I just nodded and didn't speak, I handed him his books and walked away.

I finally get to class and walk to my seat, back of the class. I Want to be alone, I put my head down and hold my bag tightly, I don't even notice Brooke has her leg in the walk way, I trip over her and fall on my face. "Ow!" I hear Brooke gasp as she gets up to help pull me to my feet.
"I'm so sorry Brooke! Are you okay?" She just looked confused at me and concerned all at once. "Am I okay? Jeremy your the one who Face planted! Look!your nose is bleeding! I'm sorry for having my leg out in the walk way" she's so sweet but I didn't want her to apologize it was my fault, she reached in her bag for a Napkin to wipe the blood off of my face.
"No Brooke I'm sorry.. I should've looked where I was going and class is going to start soon.. I don't want you to get in trouble for not being in your seat.." She just looked concerned, still concerned. "Oh Jeremy.. you're so sweet You should sit too" the blood soon stopped flowing and she gave me extra napkins she sat down and I soon walked away after mumbling "I'm sorry"

-After class-

The bell rang and I exited the class room last to not draw attention, it was my last class of the day so I went straight out of the door avoiding eye contact, avoiding everyone. I walked alone. Well I would've preferred to but Michael caught up to me

"Jeremy!" He shouted from behind and ran up to me catching his breath.
"Man I can never catch you anymore!"
He was smiling and walking beside me and I couldn't even look at him. "I'm sorry.." I said, he looked at me confused but shook it off "So aotd?" 'crap..' I didn't want to blow him off I loved playing aotd with him so I just nodded. "Okay.. uhm.." it just got awkward after that as we walked to my house, as soon as I walked in my father said hi to both of us and I just waved and headed to my room. Michael looked at my dad in confusion and my dad gave the same look. I got into my room first and sat down on the blue bean bag I had next to my bed me and Michael both had bean bags in our houses both of us had blue and red it actually wasn't our idea to match it was completely by accident. A few minutes later Michael comes into my room he must have been talking to my father about something probably about how distant or cold I've been. I don't blame them they're probably still mad at me for everything why do they even stick around?
Michael sits in the red bean bag chair and turns on the game for me handing me my controller since I was completely zoned out. "Jeremy?" He waved his hand in front of my face "Hellooo?" 'damnit. I zoned ' "sorry Michael I zoned.." he smiled and even laughed a bit before handing me the controller and I actually took it this time he then press play as he was player one like always. I don't really mind it as much anymore I guess I just always felt trapped because I only had Michael.. not that only having Michael would be a bad thing it really wouldn't.

We were playing Apocalypse of the Damned for hours in fact we only paused once for dinner and to go to the bathroom and then we went straight back at it, I missed this I miss playing video games of Michael all day and all night I missed our playful banter but I had done so much to him he doesn't deserve someone like me why can't he just let me go and move on to someone better? He finally turns off the game because I died causing him to die too he looked at me realizing I was once again zoned out it wasn't abnormal for me but it was when we were playing games. "Jeremy your really worrying me.." why did he care so much I was a horrible person.. "I'm sorry Michael.. I'm just..tired" that was my mistake right then and there I said his name not a nickname his concern grew and it was visible, he put his hand on my shoulder and his other hand was cupping my face "Jerebear?" God I loved when he called me that, I melted into his touch and my face went pink. "if somethings wrong tell me okay?" I nodded in respond and he just stayed there for a few minutes before getting up. "alright Jerebear it's 2 am we should sleep, I mean we don't have school but still" again I nodded I didn't respond with words, I just couldn't I don't know why but he understood, we both hopped into my bed and under the covers I never mind sharing a bed with Michael after all I have had a crush on him but I wasn't really the one to want to go for my guy crush when I had a girl crush I just wanted to be accepted and I didn't feel like being gay was the best route for that.. but I'm bi! I can't just ignore it! Christine had recently broken up with me anyway but I still couldn't tell Michael he snuggled up to me and I held him like always as we soon drifted off to sleep and the only thing I could mutter out when he said good night to me was.. "I'm..sorry"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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I'm sorry..(A Bmc Story)Where stories live. Discover now