chapter 4

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Matt's Pov
He woke up and rubbed his eyes as he felt weight on his shoulder. He looked next to him and saw Berni still peacefully sleeping. He also felt something warm and saw that a blanket was on them. He sighed as the door cracked open. Matt looked at the door and his eyes lit up. He looked at Berni as he removed the blanket and then moved Bernis head a bit. He stood up and was thinking what he should do. He didn't know rather he should wake her up or leave her here... He came up with a better idea. He slowly picked her up bridal style as he went upstairs. He found her room rather quickly cuz it had a colorful sign written 'Berni' on it. He saw that outside was dark so he turned the light on as he set her down on her bed. He took a moment to look at her. Her brown hair a bit messy, her mouth a bit parted which he tought it was cute then he noticed a strand of hair lay on her face. He pushed it behind her ears and smiled to himself. He then snapped back cuz he tought he was staring too much. He quickly tucked her in the covers as he turned around to leave the room but saw Nick and Viktor standing there smirking. As soon as they saw Matt turn around they quickly closed then locked the door. Matt ran to the door and tried to open it.
"Guys, what the actual hell?!" Matt whispered-yell at the two now idiots who were giggling. Matt wanted to knock and kick the door but he remembered Berni and stayed calm.
"Have fun bro~" Nick said as Matt heard the two idiot's footsteps leave. He sighed as he turned to Berni.
'Should I sleep in the same bed as her? What?! No no you don't want her to wake up next to a guy that she met today...! Well I can sleep on the floor, it seems fair enough. I dont want to make her uncomfortable or even make us both in an awkward situation..' Matt made a plan with himself. He wanted to look around for blankets but he didn't want to ruin her privacy... I mean what if he opens her closet and sees her underwear or even worse.. Her bras. Matt sighed as he layed on the carpet. He was already tired so it would be easy for him to fall asleep. He then feels himself doze off into a dream..
Nick's and Victor's Pov
They were in Nick's room. Viktor didn't have a place to sleep in. The couch in the living room was full of two girls and a guy sleeping, the parents room was locked, the other rooms were taken by Chris and Matt and Berni's room was locked with Matt and her in it. That only led to one choice... Nick's room... The blankets, pillows and sleeping bags were in Berni's room. Now they were fighting where they should sleep. They both insisted and wanted to sleep on the floor.
"Look I'll sleep on the floor. Trust me I've slept somewhere way worse and uncomfortable. And plus I'm used to sleeping on the floor. It's comfortable" Nick said trying to convince Viktor to sleep on the bed.
"Exactly! You've slept on the floor so many times you forgot what a real comfortable place to sleep really is" Viktor being stubborn insisted.
"Nah. I dont mind really. Now stop being stubborn and sleep on the bed" Nick tried convincing him again.
"No. You deserve a good night rest. I insist" Viktor said through gritted teeth.
"I told you I'm used to sleeping on the floor" Nick said annoyed. They began arguing for awhile when Nick had enough.
"FINE THEN! Since both of us insists how about WE BOTH SLEEP ON THE BED!" Nick yelled as he threw his hands in the air.
"I DONT SEE A PROBLEM WITH THAT" Viktor said. Now they are both laying on the bed. Their backs facing eachother as they gaze at the wall with wide eyes. The problem was... They were both gay and they both couldn't stop thinking about the scene that happened in the living room...
They were playing 'The King's Game'. Simple rules. Everyone is given each stick with a number on it. Only one person gets a stick which they can be the king. The numbers that the people get, must remain mysterious. The other person that gets the king will have to order the others around.
example: "number 1 and 3 should kiss!" " Number 2 should get me a drink" "Number 4 should give me a massage".
You can only give the person one dare and then a new round starts. This is the cleanest clear that I can be in the most cleanest clear way. Let's get on with the story.
Viktor gave everyone a stick.
"Okay... I gave everyone a stick now whos the king?" Viktor asked as he looked around. Nick raises his hand as he smirks. He chuckles deeply to himself as he looks at his stick. He then glances around the room and clears his throat.
"Number 2. Give me a foot massage " He laughs ro himself. Everyone looks at their stick number as Chris groans.
"I hate you.." He said as he stood up to sit next to him and give him a foot massage. After he's done he sat back at his place. Viktor exchanges the sticks again. Everyone looks at their sticks like the last round. Chris did a small 'yess!' as he looks around.
"Prepare peasants! Ypur king is giving an order!" Chris said as he thinks for a bit before giving his order.
"Number 1 has to act like a clown trying to impress their king!" Chris said proudly as Viktor groans. He did a few embarrassing things making everyone laugh. Third round, the process is repeating. Then Fourth, then fifth. It was the sixth round and everyone looks at their sticks as Vivien got the king. She smirks as she begins to give her order.
"Number 3... Kiss me" everyone looked at their sticks praying that it wasn't them. Everyone exchanged looks as Kiera was still looking at her stick. Viktor glanced at her stick number and he bursts out laughing. Kiera then hits him on the head.
"HAHHAH YOURE NUMBER 3" everyone began to laugh except Vivien and Kiera.
"Let's get this over with. A simple kiss on a cheek. Just like kissing yo mama..." She says as she quickly kisses her cheek and sits back.
"That. Was. So. Embarrassing" Kiera mumbled as the seventh round started. The king was now Kiera.
"Finally! Number 1 and 2 kiss" She said seriously.
"What-" Viktor was cut off.
"Kiss" Kiera said again as number 1 was Viktor. He looked around as Nick raised his hand.
"Im... Number 2" Viktor then turned as red as a tomato. Nick noticed that and turned red aswell. Chris smirked knowing that his brother is gay and Kiera smirked knowing that her cousin was gay. Vivien was just sitting and watching out of jealousy. She wanted to kiss the boys so bad.
"What?! You copied my dare. That isn't fair!" Vivien yelled.
"Yea but I changed it a bit" Mia said shrugging.
"Unacceptable!!" She yelled as she stood up and ran somewhere.
"Now now you two. Don't think that we forgotten about the kiss after a small drama happened.." Chris smirked at them.
"YEA! KISS KISS KISS KISS" Kiera yelled later joined by Chris. Nick and Viktor looked away and then Nick got the courage to look Viktor in the eyes. He then takes his face and tells him.
"Its just some dumb kiss so it will be nothing" Nick tells him before smashing his lips into Viktors. Viktor didn't have time to finish his sentence which made him shocked and suprised. He soon melted into the kiss and the kiss lasted for a minute as they pulled away. They exchanged a small glance as they looked away again. They sat back down at their places as if nothing happened. Then they decided to end the game there. Right now they decided to watch a movie. Kiera went to make something to eat so they can enjoy their food and movie. Viktor went with her to help her. They went in the kitchen and Kiera prepares the food as Viktor just sat there watching her.
"You know... Why did you do that! What if it was Vivien and me or me and Chris or whatever!" Viktor complained.
"Impossible. You know i looked at everyones numbers as you gave them the sticks. I wasnt the king for the past five or maybe was it six rounds so there was a chamce that I'll be the next king. So knowing that you were gay i randomly picked one of the brothers. And come on, the kiss was perfect. I saw you enjoying it. And i thibk i saw Nick enjoying it aswell~" Kiera explained as Viktor turned as red as a tomato.
"Well you know. I dont know why but Vivien gets more mad like usual. I mean! It's some guys! Why did she get mad?!" Viktor asked a bit pissed by her actions.
"I dont know man. But dont go to her or comfort her. Shes like this cuz we spoiled her. When she always gets mad or cries we always get her what she wants or when she walks away and creates a drama we always go to her but she never goes to US" Kiera said a bit pissed too.
"You're right. Maybe it was a mistake inviting her too. She became a bitch. Well i expected that from a spoled blondie with blue eyes" Viktor rolled his eyes as the two fell into a silence.
"You know... I think im crushing on Nick... Do you think hes gay too?" Viktor asked as he looked at his cousin.
"Well... Judging from the kiss. He pulled you in and kissed you himself. Even if hes not gay, you can make him~" Kiera teased as Viktor blushed furiously.
"HEY! DONT SAY THAT OUT LOUD YOU PIECE OF SHIT" Viktor yells out of embarrassment as Kiera chuckles.
"Thanks for the help, Viktor" Kiera said as Viktor just complained while Mia did all the work.
"Shut up and let me carry that."
Chris' and Nick's Pov
They were sitting on the couch as they were trying to look for a movie.
"You know... You and Viktor seem pretty sus to me" Chris smriked as he looked at Nick.
"Well... We just met but i think that i like him" Nick said confidentiality as he was still trying to find a good movie.
"Do you think hes gay too?" Chris asked.
"I dont know... But when we kissed he kissed back. Something that a straight guy wouldn't do. Either way I'll still love him" Nick said. As soon as he said that Vivien came.
"Hey guys~. Whacha doinnn?" She asked as she sat in the middle.
"You know what Vivien. You make me uncomfortable. I dont know what the fuck you on about but im gay" Nick said in a rather harsh tone. Vivien laughed.
"HAHAH. I didnt know that you were a gay freak like Viktor. Well i dont really care cuz you have two more brothers~" Vivien said as she smirked and tried to hug Chris.
"Yea, no" Chris moved next to Nick as Vivien again boiled in anger.
"Wait... Viktor is gay?" Nick asked.
"Well yea. I thought that it was obvious" Vivien rolled her eyes. That made Nick has his confidence high. There was a chance with Viktor. Then he finally found a movie and when he did the both brunettes entered the room with sandwiches, drinks and some snacks like chips and something sweet. Chris looked at the mountain of food that Kiera was carrying. So he went to her.
"Allow me" he said as he took the drinks and glasses.
"I think that im getting déjà vu.." Kiera said. They settled the drinks down then sat down on the couch. The movie started and as they were watching Kiera and Viktor exchanged glances. They smirked at eachother.
"Im going to get some more sweets it looks like were all out" Kiera said as she stood up.
"I know where the best ones are" Viktor said as he stood up aswell.
"Great! Lead the way" Kiera said as she left with Viktor. The brothers thought that it was a bit sus but shrugged it off.
Mia's and Viktor's Pov
They didnt actually went to take sweets, they went to take makeup. They didnt go straight to them they went behind them and blindfolded the brother's eyes. Vivien was not seen as they shrugged it off.
"What are you doing?!" Nick asked.
"Oh dont worry guys relax. We didnt find any sweets but instead were going to give you some skin care" Viktor said.
"Yea. Viktor you do Nick and I'll do Chris" Kiera winked at him and Viktor nudged her as to shut up. They sat doen next to them. They werent actually doing a skin care but make up. They did it as the Brothers as a few questions. They answered the questions to convince them that it was a skin care. The brothers on the other hand knew that they were doing their makeup but after they asked the last question they shutted their mouth. Then the two cousins did their hair and then finally undid their blindfolds. Nick and Chris looked in a mirror then laughed. Then it was time to switch the brothers did the cousins makeup. When they finished they looked in the mirror and burtsed out laughing. They sat down to watch another movie and as they did Vivien came back with a blanket. They all sat  down and enjoyed the movie. Then Chris, Kiera and Vivien fell asleep. Viktor and Nick were not. They heard footsteps and slowly followed them. They saw Matt walking up the stairs with Berni in his arms. They smirked and quietly went after them when they did Matt was removing a strand of hair from Bernis face as he turned around. The two idiots then quickly closed the door and locked it. They giggled and high fived eachother.
Guys, what the actual hell?!" they heard Matt whisper-yell. They giggled again.
Have fun bro~" Nick said as they both left.
End of Flashback
Nick sighed as he drifted to sleep. Viktor did the same.
Bernis and Matts Pov
Matt was woken up by someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw Berni. He then sat in a sitting position.
"N-Nick... I dont feel very well.." Berni said sniffing and falling onto Matts chest. Matt panicked and picked her up. He layed her on her bed.
'Im not Nick... But if i say that im Matt I'll just make the situation awkward so I'll just go with it' Matt said to himself.
"Oh god... Whats wrong?" Matt said as he put his back hand onto her forehead to see her temperature and it was quite high. Matt looked around and saw a door. He went to it and when he opened it it was a small bathroom. He took a towel and soaked it in cold water. He went back to Berni and put it on her forehead. He then wanted to stand up and lay down on the floor but Berni took his hand.
"Please... Dont leave... Stay for a little..." She said as she closed her eyes. Matt sighed as he sat on her bed. Berni moved closer to the wall motioning Matt ro lay down. Matt hesitated but layed down. He went in the covers and soon drifted into sleep...


The long chapter is finally done. Its still not the weekend but i want to see papa Dime so bad.
sigh papa Dime🍷
2659 words: Extremely long chapter

the American guy falls for the European girl《Berni x Matt Sturniolo》Where stories live. Discover now