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"— you cannot tell me that our dorm is safe, our window was literally broken yesterday!" Sangyeon shouted at his manager, to give you a recap chanhees window had broke yesterday and they were sure it was a saseng so he had to sleep in hyunjaes room for the time being.

"Sangyeon! I don't give a fuck, I'm sure it's fine when you find real evidence that a saseng had broken in we won't do anything, and tell chanhee to toughen up he might be a omega but that doesn't mean he gets any advantages in life. And I—"

Sangyeon didn't even let him finish before he bursted out of the room and made sure to slam the door behind him.

"sangyeon hyung, how did it go?" Eric asked while sitting in the living room watching tv.

"bad he said in quote "unless u have proof that a saseng broke in then we are not going to do anything"." he sighed and sat next to eric

"well we don't know if it was actually a saseng or not" Eric said while getting up to get a bag a chips

"ooo chips gimme" haknyeon out of nowhere just grabbed erics chips. The three of them continued on discussing what chanhee and the members were going to do. But they agreed that letting chanhee stay in his room again and wait for further notice. Also if you are wondering where the other members are they are out to get coffee.

~ time skip to night

Chanhee really did try to go to sleep really. But he is one paranoid person, every sound he hears he thinks someone is gonna attack him or photograph him. He wanted another member to sleep with him so he creeped up to hyunjaes room.

"ya hyunjae" ... no response

"jaehyun" again no response

" ugh Hyunjae hyung"

"Yes hee" hyunjae finally replied with one of his gummy smiles

"Can u sleep with me I'm scared"

"Aw is baby chanhee too scared to go to sleep by him self" hyunjae teased. Chanhee just rolled his eyes and whisper yelled

"Fine I'll go ask someone else."

"No wait I'm coming!"


They were sleeping soundly until about 2 am they heard a crash sound. They both got startled and woke up. Turns out the other members heard it as well because a few seconds later they all gathered to the living room. They were all very paranoid, I mean someone could be in there house right now. They discussed about how silly this was and how it was probably just the wind and they went to there respective rooms, except for hyunjae and chanhee of course.

It was about 30 minutes later until only hyunjae and chanhee heard that sound, and it was coming from chanhees closet.

"what the fuck, that just came for your closet." Hyunjae said kinda speechless.

"shut the fuck up I know." They both got up from the bed and decided to open the closet.

"I don't wanna open it hyunjae, I'm scared." Chanhee whispered as he held hyunjaes hand. He would definitely treasure this moment forever.

"it's okay chanhee, on the count of three we open it together. 3, 2," before they even got to one the closet bursted open and a male with black clothing ran out and tried to grab chanhee. Hyunjae obviously didn't let him so he held chanhee in his arms. The intruder snapped a pic and ran. After making sure chanhee was okay, hyunjae ran after the man.

"What was that noise?! Chanhee are you okay? And where's hyunjae?" The leader said barging into chanhees room.

Before chanhee could even try to get a word out hyunjae came back, "I cant find him, he's gone. I'm so sorry chanhee." Hyunjae felt so guilty, if he was faster maybe chanhee could of gotten justice just maybe.

Well all of the members were up by now and they gathered in the living room. Chanhee was still a bit shaken up and hyunjae refused to leave his side. Chanhee also didn't say a word so hyunjae explained what had happened.

After a while of that incident sinking in the members noticed that chanhees wrist was bruising.

"Chanhee what happened to your wrist?" One detail that hyunjae forgot to mention, the intruder grabbed chanhee, hard.

"Don't get mad but I forgot to say that the guy that was in chanhees closet grabbed chanhee and tried to take him away." Everyone's jaw was on the floor.

At this point chanhee wasn't even acknowledging that all eyes were on him. He was staring into space, thinking about something. Jacob though, being the angel he is, went to the kitchen and got some ice for chanhees wrist.

The coldness of the ice touching his pale wrist is what snapped him out of his daze.

"Why are you guys staring at me like I'm a ghost"




Long time no see right 😅 i srsly do apologize for such a late update happy late new year ig? Also thank you for all ur reads and voting for my book , i really appreciate it!!

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