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By now you probably already think I'm on a hiatus but just now am i announcing it 😭 I've just lost so much inspiration for this book and Wattpad deleted the chapter I was working on for so long ESPECIALLY HAVING WRITERS BLOCK. Anyway I may be back I may not so don't get your hopes us and I've also been really busy to write anything at all so that's also why I'm taking a break. At this point I'm taking a break on everything right now just to focus on myself I know you guys are probably really disappointed in me and I still haven't finished a book without taking a break..
Anyway I'm still so sorry but I can't look/reread my chapters without cringing and the angst is really not my style of writing anymore and I honestly don't know what I had in mind at the start of this book so I may edit this and change everything and I apologize but it just isn't something I can be proud of and work on anymore and be happy with it even a little bit. In all honesty I think my time on here is running out and it's just not enjoyable anymore I do still like writing and stuff like that but I just don't think I like putting a idol into a book if you know what I mean, it's like I feel guilty but by all means you guys should not feel guilty that's just how I feel right now. But still for the sake of the readers I will try my hardest to finish this book although I don't know how long that will be and I don't know how long of a break I'm taking or how much im gonna upload.
If you suddenly see this deleted then I have finally given up on this app and writing fanfics. If that does happen I want to apologize and apologize for letting you readers down but with how many times I was posting I think this is bound to happen. I may or may not come back but I don't think there is a place for me on this platform being a small writer I don't think it would make a difference anyway.
I hope you have a good day and I'm sorry again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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