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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up - Chapter 22.1


A Fated Person (1)

Due to an accident in the true combat test, the entrance ceremony was postponed.

Even so, the hosting specifications were still not much different from previous years.

However, to the surprise of the school, at this entrance ceremony, Mu Heng actually agreed to their invitation.

This was really strange.

Before, the school had sent invitation letters to Mu Heng's office every year, but the other party had never agreed.

They were all used to it.

However, this year, it was a rare surprise that Mu Heng had been invited as a practical training instructor, and on top of that, the other party actually agreed to the invitation to the entrance ceremony?

The school could hardly believe it.

What was going on?

Why was Mu Heng so genial this year?

After a round of private discussions, they were still at a loss and couldn't guess the reason at all, so they had to apply 120% of their spirit in organizing this entrance ceremony.

Above the top, in the VIP viewing area.

Mu Heng sat on the right hand side of the old principal, casually lowered his eyes, and calmly listened to the master of ceremonies reading the school rules not far away.

The headmaster of the Academy of Ability, surnamed Pei, was nearly 300 years old this year.

Due to his advanced age, he basically no longer participated in the management of the school, and rarely showed up at the school except to attend major ceremonies.

Nowadays, most of the senior combat members of the Administration were once his students.

Only Mu Heng had a different route.

He didn't enter any academy but rather came from the famous ancient family, the Mu family.

Although the Mu family had decayed and the population has withered, the tens of thousands of years of history are still incomparable to other families. The number of unique and strange books in the private library was even comparable to the internal high-level library of the Ability Academy.

In addition, Mu Heng himself was a rare fighting genius, who had traversed countless dangerous and extreme battlefields, and had been tempered by the mountains of corpses and seas of


He was the only non-academic mage among the famous Administrators.

However, although he was not the other party's student, Mu Heng still respected Old Principal Pei.

Old Principal Pei smiled and turned to look at Mu Heng and said,

"I heard about the accident that happened in the actual combat test before. Thanks to the help of Chief Mu, this matter could be solved in time before it was irreversible. Thank you very much."

Mu Heng shook his head: "I don't dare to take this praise."

He was indeed not being humble.

In this incident, his role was really limited, and the disappearance of the eye of the abyss was also very inexplicable.

Principal Pei continued to ask with a smile,

"Speaking of which, I heard that you promised to be the instructor of the true combat test?"

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