
53 7 3

All healthy cats are given 3 energy every moon. This can change depending on the different things going on like injuries, etc.

Fever, Cough - 3 energy
Slightly Injured, Whitecough - 2 energy
Injured, Infections - 1 energy
Greencough, Severely Injured and Poisoning - Lost all energy and can't do anything that moon

Cats older than 130 moons will have 2 energy maximum. Expecting queens and kits ( under 6 months ) to have 1 energy.

/patrol with... ( cats )
- patrols the territory. Gives .25 for each cat ( the max is four cats on one patrol. ) You still have a chance of finding items but the 50% is split between everyone.

- (cat name) hunts solo;
no partner bonus, all prey goes to the clan's pile.

- (cat name) hunts with (cat(s) name(s) );
you hunt with one or more cats (max is four) You get bonus prey depending on how many there are.

Hunting skill Level - Prey
0 skill |0 prey
1 skill | 0 - 1 prey
2 skills | 0 - 2 prey
3 skills | 1 - 3 prey
4 skills | 1 - 4 prey
5 skills | 2 - 5 prey
Bonus Prey | 0 - 3 prey

- (Healing cat name) heals (Injured cat)
Can only be used by cats with medic training but they must have a high enough skill level as well as enough herbs

Healing skill - What they can heal
Skill 0 | Nothing
Skill 1 | Cough, Fever
Skill 2 | Whitecough, Slighting Injured
Skill 3| Infections, Injured
Skill 4 | Greencough, Severely Injured
Skill 5 |  Poisoning, Broken bones, Near-Death

Sickness/injuries - herbs needed
Fever | Takes one herb
Cough | Takes two herbs
Whitecough, Slightly Injured & Infections | Takes Three herbs
Greencough and Injured | Takes Four herbs
Broken bones | Two sticks and Five herbs
Severely Injured | Six herbs
Near-Death | Fifteen herbs


- ( medic cat name) forage solo;
no partner bonus, only medics can do this.

- (medic) forage with (other medics)
forage with partners, you can get bonus herbs.

Skill - herbs collecting
0 skill |0 herbs
1 skill | 0 - 1 herb
2 skills | 0 - 2 herbs
3 skills | 1 - 3 herbs
4 skills | 1 - 4 herbs
5 skills | 2 - 5 herbs
Bonus Herbs | 0 - 3 herbs


- ( cat name) gathers solo;
no partner bonus, gathers sticks to helps with dens.

- (cat ) gathers with (cats)
forage with partners, you can get bonus sticks.

Skill - sticks collecting
0 skill |0 sticks
1 skill | 0 - 1 stick
2 skills | 0 - 2 sticks
3 skills | 1 - 3 sticks
4 skills | 1 - 4 sticks
5 skills | 2 - 5 sticks
Bonus Herbs | 0 - 3 sticks


Any cats, any gender can have mates. To start a relationship you must use the
/(character name) bond with (another cat)
( you can also do group bonding by using a
/bond with all commands). You don't need energy to bond and you can also be secret mates with someone without bonding!


Level - What they are
Level 0 | No Risk of Kits
Level 1 | 5% Chance of Accidents
Level 2 | 10% Chance of Accidents
Level 3| 20% chance of Accidents
Level 4| 30% chance of Accidents
Level 5| 40% chance of Accidents

Breeding is pretty simple just use the Command
/ breed (character name ) with (mate's name)
both cats must do this and they must be mates

if cats are of opposite genders they will expect 0 - 6 kits in a litter in the next couple of moons

/rank up ( current kit name ) to ( new 'paw name )

-/don't eat
you will be moved to the last of the eating order
( must be healthy)

/rename ( kit number ) to ( kit name )
can only be used by mothers. Names their kits to whatever they choose.

/play with (kits)
can only be used by kits and their mothers/fathers - if you do these four times before you are an apprentice, you earn a skill level in Hunting/Healing

/watch [ kit name ] ( name )
- can be used by anyone, if you don't watch a kit, they can get out of camp and be dangerous.

Can be used during an attack or other. Can not use any more commands that day unless the threat is gone.

Can be used during an attack to... well... attack things

Battle Chart
Skill Level 0: score of 0
Skill Level 1: score of 1-20
Skill Level 2: score of 10-30
Skill Level 3: score of 20-40
Skill Level 4: score of 30-50
Skill Level 5: score of 40-60

Can be used during an attack to protect the clan

/train with (cat's name)
Can be used to train up your level by a .5 level.

/assign ( cat name ) to (cat's name)
Used by Leader so you have an apprentice/mentor. Cost no energy but they must have a skill level of 3 and be older than 20 moons

Dens can be built using sticks!

It takes 20 to make a level one and 10 to make more room for one! 2 Energy is required to build a den or it will fail!

Without a den, you lose energy! Dens are linked to cats so a den will fall when the owner passes!


If you didn't already know, you can have accidental litters but now you do have the opportunity to get rid of them if you want. Kit carriers will be PMed one moon before the kits are born, if they do not want them they can either sneak them in with another queen or they can get rid of them with herbs.
No this does not count as murder because at that point there isn't a technically a player.

Can you get in trouble for this?

Will AstralClan be mad?
Nope, they want you to have a choice without any harm.

What is the point?
Just gives you a choice. Some characters do not want kits and that's okay. There is no shame in wanting them or not, it won't be treated as a crime. Think of it as it never existed.

Won't this help secret mates?
Eh 50/50. Only the one carrying the kits will be informed but they won't be told who the other parent is. Again, there won't be any harm in going through with it or just getting rid. IT IS NOT A CRIME. and won't be treated as such. It is no one else business.

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